Saga (Crystal Saga)

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I watched as he shot the arrow across the field to the Demon's Crystal. I'm surprised that one arrow took down the crystal. Seng was over. The Spirits won. 

We left the Sengolia battlegrounds with our reward. Honor. People from all guilds were smashed into 2 teams. Demons and Spirits. Some people that fought were in the same guild. My guild (Reborn) was an upcoming guild. I'm surprised no one had abandoned it like all the other guilds that were just empty houses. I sighed. 

"Yo! Kc! What's for dinner! I'm starved!"

Yup. That's Me. Kc Your Level 41(mortal) guild cook who is a balanced ranger. Balanced ranger means I have both Physical and Magic attack. My cooking skill is 8/10. No one really thinks about cooking skills anymore because there's fast food that's served in Starglade. The only problem is that it doesn't fill you up.

At all. I noticed it because I never really liked junk food, and well it was covered in...stuff..that I really couldn't recognize.  

My brother Zuzuni came running up to me. He was the one that said that. 

"Hm.. Let's see. How about Spaghetti?" I asked. 

"No problem. I'll inform the peeps." He walked away quickly to go find the other guild members. The other members are: 

Zetah: Level 51. (she secretly writes and puts them in the Starglade newspaper as an unknown author..everyone in our guild knows that though.) Rogue. Mortal. About 5'5. Kind of long hair. Stops about mid-back. Brown Eyes. Age: 14. 

RoShamBo (Ro): Priest. Scion. Level 63. Magic attack and healing. About 6'3. The Ginger. Brown Eyes. Age: Unknown. 

Jrg: Ranger. Scion. Level 79. Physical attack. About 6 ft. Short wavy hair. Green Eyes. Age: 16. 

Zuzuni (Zuzu): Scion. Level 65. Knight. Tanking.(Physical attack and defense) 5'8. curly hair. Tannish. 

Sink: Scion. Level 72. About 6 ft. Rogue. I don't know anything about him. He gives the whole team chills just by laughing. 

Lunch: Scion. Level 97.  Married to LC. About  5'8. Age: 16. Short Blonde hair. Brown Eyes. Sometimes says things that will make you want to die laughing.  

LC: Scion. Level 69.  About 5'6. Married to Lunch. Age:16.  Light Brown Hair. Blue eyes. Don't ask me why they're married at 16. It's just how life is in Starglade. If they love each other then they get married. 

Me: I already told my stats so I'm 5'1. Yeah I know. Really Tiny. 85 lbs. Long brownish-black hair. Me and Zuzu look like Mild skinned Asians. Put it that way. 

Pretty Simple. 

As I made my way to our guild house, I saw that Zetah and Ro were already there waiting for me.

"Kc! So your back huh?" Zetah spoke. "What're we cooking?"

"Zuzu said spaghetti." I said.

"Sounds good." Ro spoke. "I'm takin' a smoke brake." 

We nodded. Zuzu came up with everyone else just as I opened the door. "My bad Kc. Jrg was in shop, and you know how that is." Jrg looked at me with an apologetic look.

The Guild house was pretty big for all seven of us. When you first walk in you're standing in the living room. to the left there are stairs that go to our bedrooms, and there is a hallway beside the stairs that leads to the kitchen and TV/gaming room. There's a total of 15 rooms in the house. The guild master who is LC has a master bedroom at the end of the hallway upstairs. Zuzu is assistant guild manager so his room is slightly smaller than LC's. Her and Lunch share a room since..well they're married. I am the weakest so I get a medium sized room closer to the door than the rest. Zetah's room is across from mine. Jrg's is beside mine. Ro's is in front of Jrg's room. Each room has it's own bathroom, and there are a total of ....well we made 10 bedrooms in the house. 

As I finish up making the spaghetti, and call everyone to the table, there's a knock on the door.  

Ro came back inside. I guess he's finished with his break. 

As we gathered around the table, everyone devoured the spaghetti.

"Has anyone gotten any soul work done?" LC asked.  Ugh.. I guess I have to explain that too. Soul is something that makes every person different. Depending on what type of person you are (ranger, knight, etc.) you have the same skills, but your soul can make you stronger than a level 50 when you're level 45. 

"I have." Zuzu said. " I'm at 576." By the way the soul Max is 3,000. I envy my brother sometimes. 

"No Way! I'm jealous! I only have 362!" Zetah exclaimed. 

"698." Jrg grunted. Gosh. Sometimes being the weakest is really not the best. 

Note: Jrg and Zuzu have been here longer than I have. They're more experienced. 

Zuzu and Jrg looked at me mockingly. "So Kc. What's your soul count?" They said simultaneously. 

"Shush." I glared at them. 

"Hey I don't know what yours is Kc! I wanna know!" Zetah exclaimed. 

"Ya, Me too." When did Ro get into this? 

Oh fire lord eggs. Why Me? "...two...." I muttered my response. Zuzu snickered at my response. LC being the kind amazing person that she is said. "Hey you guys! That's not nice! Besides! She's level 41! She didn't know because her 'oh so talented' brother didn't tell her!" Zetah ooh'ed quietly. 

"Well.. uh I can teach her. Since we're both rangers and stuff." Jrg stated. 

"Ya. Go Nuts with that. Kc you start tomorrow. We should go to bed in a bit. It's late." It took me a moment to realize who was talking. Sink. 

I got a bunch of thank you's after dinner, and we all retreated to our rooms. 

Oh and if you were wondering how we got into this world..well we don't know we just live here. All that's been figured out is that we all started from the same place.

Tyria village.

There is where you begin as a mortal. When you are a level 80 mortal you re-spawn in the same place. Except you're level one again. When you're scion there's obviously things you can do to become more powerful than mortals. The highest level discovered is Eidolon, and that was by Tychandia. or just Tych. He reached Level 100 and was re-spawned in Tyria village. He can go into Sengolia battle grounds, and complete it in a matter of seconds. 

I started to get my armour ready for tomorrow since it was going to be a big day for me. 


Ugh..I didn't realize crystal saga had so much..and I haven't even really started the story..I'm not putting wings in there because that's just a little too much. For those who have NO idea what I'm talking about don't worry just read it. Oh yeah! 

In starglade the houses are not in the pic >>>>> The guild houses would be located past Ronna the adventurer. If ya can find it. teehee! (Top) 


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