{1} Runaway Bride

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The thought of murdering him had definitely crossed my mind.

It was wrong for someone of my kind to ever think of such, but all I could think of was making him suffer for what he did. Maybe I was wrong with the idea of considering drastic measures, but what was a broken hearted girl to think at such a time......

A knock on the door was enough to have brought me back from my sob filled flash back. My eyes trailed towards the door staring at it without any form of emotion in them for a moment.

'Who goes there?' I asked trying my best to make my voice sound as tough as possible .

'It's me Astris. Open up.' The familiar high pitched voice called from outside the room.

'I'm tired mother I'll see you tomorrow" I said folding up one of my gowns and stuffing it into the box.

'I know you are quite nervous about tomorrow, but I can help. Just open up.' she said.

I won't deny that I had felt the need to scream at her to get as far away from me as possible and just let me be by myself, but I knew there was no way I could tell her off because she would still be persistent. Mother always had a way of getting what she wanted when and how she wanted it.

What would one expect from a disgraceful woman after all.

'Give me a moment.' I replied as I straightened up and walked towards the door.

I stopped by my bed, packed up the clothes and the box and slid them under the bed, so that it was perfectly out of sight. I couldn't let her know what I had planned to do.

I got up and wiped my face properly before continuing to the door. I sighed and stared at the wooden structure, wishing she could just disappear before I opened the door, but I knew it was impossible. I held the knob with one hand whilst fiddling with the key in my other hand, before I finally unlocked the door.

I opened the door for the Queen not bothering to send her a glance before walking to my bed to sit. Her shoes clicked on the floor as she came to stand in front of me. 'You need to come outside Astris the guests are downstairs. Come and join us all.' She said, placing a hand on my shoulder, 'your father asks of you too.'

I placed my hand on hers and took it off ofmy shoulder. 'I am really not in a mood to feast mother,I'll have enough time for that at the wedding.'

My mother smiled and moved to sit down beside me. I reluctantly adjusted to give her space to sit. 'I had also been nervous the night before my wedding, I was so glad to finally be with your fathe.' She said still smiling as she reminisced.

'What happened then mother? Oh! I suppose the happiness faded or rather was transfered to Count Lenayd isn't it.' I said giving her a disgusted look.

Her face dropped instantly, then she adjusted herself in an uncomfortable manner. 'Astris, what you saw isn't as it seem.' She said, her head back up high but her eyes still avoiding my gaze.

'What I saw was true mother. I am not a child I know what I saw!' I said angrily 'You were laying with Count Lenayd, you were both naked in your chambers so don't you try to fool me!!!'

She rushed to close my mouth with her palm.  'Shut up or else someone could hear.' she said.

I took her hand off and hissed. 'You're a disgrace!' I said.

I hadn't been given another second to blink, when she immediately sent a slap to my right cheek. "Don't you dare speak to me in such a manner!"

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