{12} Baramanth

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Shout out to victorify  Thanks a lot for the votes and the follow, this chapter is dedicated to you though.


"How far are we from Baramanth Uncle?" Perses asked as he steered the ship.

"Not too far Perses, we'll probably be there by noon tomorrow." Replied his Uncle who I discovered went by the name Sailor Moon.

He lay idly on a hammock while taking little sips of rum from his cup every once in a while. According to what I had noticed, he was sober so often due to the fact that he got drunk a lot. I did not like him though but not because he had done me any wrong but due to the fact that he was a drunkard. Mother had warned me a lot about such men who drank helplessly.

"They are irresponsible and foolish men who find solace in nothing but beer and wine and the intoxication that follows afterwards"she had said "they are immoral and lazy men that you should associate with ever".

Perses nodded after Sailor Moon spoke and his hands tightened, firmly gripping the steering wheel as he looked forward.

I was brushing the crumbs of the bread the pirates had eaten. I swayed the broom and swept the dirt into a small circular pile.

"You missed a spot" Eyepatch said to me.

I eyed him hard and said nothing and went to sweep the supposed spot I missed. Once I packed up the dirt by sweeping it into the dustpan, I looked up and met the Captain's gaze. He hadn't spoken to me since the previous day, I wouldn't blame him though, I had done a good job killing his appetite after all.

He looked away as soon as I looked at him. His face was stern and angry looking as he clenched his jaw, I was almost certain he hated me probably.

"Clean up my room" He said as I was about leaving to disposed the dirt. "And get a list of all the supplies you need,Baramanth isn't far off...Prepare to search for Golda as well"

Without questioning I left and went to continue my seemingly endless chores.


As I made my way through crowd, trying to keep us with Perses, Anguro and Sailor Moon on the busy street, I couldn't help but swear in frustration at the almost seemingly inhuman pace they walked. For people who seemed to have spent their entire lives at sea, they did find it easy on land.

"Would you mind waiting up!" I said to none of them in particular "It's not easy walking with a bunch of human cheetahs" I said.

Perses stopped and the other two companions followed suit. I sighed a breath of relief happily thinking they had stopped for me to close up the distance with them but my face dropped after his remark.

"If you knew you would be a complaining sloth and couldn't keep up you should have stayed back in the ship" he said sternly and turned forward to proceed.

His remark caused a few chuckles from some passersby and giggles from the local children around. I grunted in frustration and sent deadly glares to the supposed 'laughers-by. I hurriedly walked to catch up with them standing closely behind them like their shadow.

We walked through the congested noisy market. I hated being in such a crowd, I was extremely disgusted by the state of the muddy routes and the appearance of the people especially the beggars who sat on the streets. The impolite town people kept bumping into me and pushing me off my supposed lane behind Perses and worst of all they never deemed it fit to apologize.

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