{23} Secret's Out

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Astros POV

Perses left.

I could still hear the sound of cannons being shot and the swooshing of the water below as the ship shook.

Fiona and Fira were told into Perses' room for safety, just as Captain had ordered. As I heard the door click shut after them, the urgency and danger at that moment seemed to hit me hard. Fira whose fear was showing clearly came and gave me a tight hug as she cried. "I'm not ready to die yet. I'm so not ready to die!" She said still in my embrace.

Fiona who I previously would have sworn hated me from day one that I had met her, rushed to my side at the sound of another cannon and held my hands tightly whist letting out ear defeaning screams. To an extent I did feel like some sort of hero and I tried to comfort them despite being scared myself.

We stayed quite in the room only screaming when shots were heard. My mind was nothing close to quiet especially with the restless sensation the ring gave from inside my gown. My thoughtaas raced to different places. Maybe Perses was in danger or probably someone else on the ship. I would have expected Fira or Fiona to have pointed out the fact that that part of my nightdress was glowing a dark red colour, but they didnt. Fear has clouded their minds.

The sound of another cannon caused them to shriek again and I let go of both of them. I slipped down to the floor to drag out the box Perses had taken weapons from moments ago. I searched through the box seeing nothing I could use except a dagger which by the way I wasn't so good with either.

"Would it kill a Pirate to put a bow an arrow close by." I mumbled under my breath.

I was good at archery, I had always been. The bow and arrow were my most loved weapons considering the fact they could be used efficiently from a mile away. I had always been glad that father had let me take lessons from a little age. Unfortunately though the only tangible thing there for me in the useless box was the little crooked dagger.

I grabbed it she slid the box back under the bed. I looked up to the bed and saw the two girls there praying for their lives so seriously. I rolled my eyes and ever so silently, I snuck out. I headed for the door demarcating Perses' room from mine.

Wishing my door hadn't been closed yet I got to my room and took the door handle and was happy when it opened freely. I got out off the room and up the deck only to see a huge ship, slightly bigger than ours. Cannons were being shot, bright yellowish-red fiery lights glowing with each explosive and equally deafening sounds.

The crew had crouched low, their guns in their hands as they fired at the other ship. Rulf ran passed and turned when he saw me aboard. "Holy shit!, get back, this is not a place for you to be right now!, Captain would be mad if he saw you out!" He yelled.

"Alright! alright!" I said and  turned back to go in. Seconds later I got back up once I was sure he had left. I had to know who the filthy pirates were that had decided to attack us.

The next thing I took notice of was the number of soldiers that swung over from the attacking ship onto ours. I took a closer look at them and at their flag that had the design of three swords forming the letter 'N'; the all black uniform dressing for all the soldiers. It was none other than the Naeros my Kingdom's worst enemies and my brother's heartless murderers.

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