{25} Aim and hit

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Silence was never considered the best treatment, but Perses had chosen to go with it still.

Three days had passed already since we last spoke. I knew he had been avoiding me. I seemed to see less of him and even when I did he just walked off without recognizing my presence. Without a word.

Sure enough, I felt bad for lying though, but it wasn't as if I was faced with another option. As it had been during my first encounter with him, I was certain I would have been dead if not for my little act of deceit. I just hoped he would see it the way I did. All the same I tried not to care. He was making  mountain out of a little mole. Afterall, I was not entitled to tell him all about myself.

The entire crew chose to think and act the same as him. They had begun giving me the cold shoulder ever since they discovered my real identity, which by the way was announced by none other than the Captain himself. The hatred they showed towards me seemed to run deeper than the surface. It wasn't rosy at all.

Fira and Noah who I felt could keep me company were always busy with work. I was not oblivious to the fact that it was Perses' doing. To him it was some sort of punishment for me and truly it was. I was slowly forced to love my own company once again as I did back at the palace.

After a few days of loneliness, Carac who was struggling to lessen the number of times he drank since he had moved on from Fiona, tried his best to keep me company the few times he wasn't drunk or sober. He had come up with an activities for us, most of which involved training. Being a princess who never took interest in such, I had thought it to be outrageous. But soon my loneliness caused me to think it wasn't that had an idea. To buy me over, Caracas had continuously said it would be perfect and fun if I trained to fight.


'Chin up Astris, you don't look down while fighting your opponent.' Carac's voice sounded.

'I'm aware of that.' I said arching my brows.

He didn't have to teach me about posture. I had constantly been told walk with my chin up from a young age.  It was part of Princess Etiquette. I was certainly familiar with it and I didn't need to be reminded, especially not by a pirate.

'Raise up your stick slightly and hit harder....come on! Make use of those muscles!'

I gave up. It was impossible. "Why don't I try something else for a change!" I said with exhaustion.

'Something like what?' He asked.

I took my weight off from the wooden stick that I had been given to use as an amateur weapon, and then released my body weight to my leg. 'How about.....' I said raising up my supposed weapon stylishly. '...I ditch this stick or rather I hit.... a real human being with it and NOT.THIS.STUPID.MAST!!!!'

I began hitting him with the wood as I spoke the last words, raising my voice slightly. He tried to block me and began moving backwards, using his hands to wave behind him so he could grab the stick or at least move away from me. "Okay okay okay!...fine fine you'll upgrade now just quit hitting me.... That hurts!" he said.

I let down my weapon and watched him sigh a breath of relief. Picking up his manly pride, he began walking towards the weapon board; I really had no idea what they called it though. It was a long, wide, wooden board, that had carved spaces for weapons in it. It was rather occupied with various deadly tools in their engraved positions.

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