{28} A Feeling Like Remorse

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Astris POV

It was too much! I had had enough already!.

I walked away from Carac, away from the deck and to the passageway. I got to his door and without hesitation I stormed in.

'Are you crazy?' I said to Perses as soon as I barged in. I made sure to slam the door really hard to get his attention.

His chair was positioned in front of the window so that he could look out of it. He had been sitting slouched his gaze following the downward direction his head faced. His legs were wide open and in his right hand was a transparent, slightly yellowish gold liquid which I knew was rum, right away. He sent his eyes to me while he raised the bottle, pressing it on his lips as he drank and then eyed me before looking outside the window, into the open sea.

'I'm talking to you Perses!' I said and walked towards him. 'Why did you raise your hand on him.'

Moments back I had been talking to Carac and saw he had sustained some injuries and a black eye. I asked how he got it but he refused to speak, but after constant pestering, he finally let it out and confessed that the stupid Captain brother of his had hit him. I really didn't care to know why but on being used to Perses' ways and knew that it would be an irrelevant reason. I stormed off to confront the fool.

I stood in front of him, blocking his gaze from the window. He repeated the same annoying process as before, as he looked up at me and then took a sip of the bottle's content. My frown deepened.

'How dare you hit Carac!' I said angrily, 'you have no freaking right to.'

He let out a scoff, his lips arched up slightly in an annoying manner as though sensing no dry amusement in my words. 'This is amazing....I should have known him to be a coward, sending his little slattern to defend him.' He said.

My palms landed on his face before I could hold it back or control the anger that had grown in me. Horror filled me as I took what I had just done, I stated at him his cheek turned pink and could clearly see the fury in his green orbs as they seemed to burn in their transparent cage.

'Oh my!' I mouthed. 'I'm.....'

"You good for nothing wench, how dare you?" He said his voice sounding stern and a lot deeper.

For a moment I had felt pity for having hit him but after the insult rolled off his tongue, I lost it. I hadn't dared to slap him again but still I made it know that my anger heightened.

'If you think you can treat anyone in any impolite manner or even insult me as you wish, I do advice you to think twice.' I said, 'others might take rubbish from you but I won't, not any longer....let this be the first and the last time you call me such.'

He stared at me quietly but his deadly anger was ever so greatly visible in his alluring green orbs. For a moment I felt sorry having slapped him and I felt fear that he might hurt me but he said nothing instead he took a sip of his drink and swallowed slowly before getting up to his feet. He began walking away to the door but I rushed at him and held his arm tightly.

'Don't you dare walk away from me Perses cause I'm not finished.' I warned.

I wasn't sure he had paid attention to my words because he looked down at my right hand that held his arm. He looked up at me slowly and scarily, his jaws clenched, moving hard and I swear I did see his eyes flash pure gold for a moment before his eyelids closed a little longer than a blink should have lasted and then he let them apart to reveal his emerald orbs.

He seemed to be holding back something.

'Leave me be...Princess.' He said calling my title stiffly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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