{20} Feelings and Splits

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I'm pretty glad guys; Chapter 20 already. Thanks a lot for your support so far I'm glad for having such wonderful readers and I'm grateful to all my voters, all your comments and your support as well.

Enjoy this wonderful chapter though. I'm really looking forward to getting more votes and promoting this book so once again please do support......

Thanks y'all.....


Fira and I sat in my room trying to while away time as the men worked up above.

We were done with our cleaning duties which Perses had conditioned her to do by the way. We stayed legged crossed on the bed, talking about a million things at a time. I would not deny that I was glad to finally have someone to talk with and play with even though she was younger than me.

"Prince Samuel is is is ....amazingly, outrageously and extremely unbelievably handsome." She said dramatically, putting her open palm on her forehead dramatically, while the other hand rested on her chest.

"I think he's okay." I said.

"Okay?" She gasped. "I mean he is the very same man that visited Baramanth years back and he succeeded in making the married women leave their husbands behind just to see him and touch or talk to him. The young girls would have had their eyes and minds explode just by the mere sight or slight thought of him and as for me. I was only twelve then but I can assure you it was love at first sight."

I rolled my eyes and let out a small laugh. "I think he's the pompous type." I said.

She readjusted her sitting position and slouched a little as she looked at me her mouth slightly agape. "Hmmm, well he kind of is but still beauty wide he's a lot better than Prince Rava, you have to agree on that one." She said.

"Prince Rava is uh....let us say less- eye.. catching in features." I said a little awkwardly.

Fira laughed out loudly, like she had made up her own inside joke in her head. "More like he resembles a red ape." She said still cracking up.

I could not help but join in on her crazy laughter. Prince Rava was what you would describe as a scrawny lizard. There was really not much to appreciate about him except from his good height and impeccable fighting skills.

He had once come to ask for my hand in marriage, two years back to be precise. He had come prepared with lots of gifts, comprising of gold, jewelries, treasures and so many others. My brother had been alive then and actually refused of the marriage; his exact words to my parents were; "My sister cannot get married to a human reptile. Lizards are not to be married!" He had said.

As of then I was not quite sure of the cause of my brother's dislike of Rava but his words remained hilarious to me. Rava had striking resemblance with a lizard, indeed.

"That's a bit harsh, I think he is rather.....fine--ly trained and humble." I said to her.

She wiped out a humor filled tear that strayed away from her brown orbs. "Well that do s not enough to get a wife these days don't you think?" She chattered on. "Although, it is not too late for him to find a cure to his ugliness. He could ask a witch to brew him a potion to treat 'trolliness.'"

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