{11} Disgusted

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It had been more than a week already. More than a week since I left home and was given my maiden duties, yet it seemed like forever.

Blending in with the new life I found myself wasn't quite easy. I hadn't gotten quite used to working so hard especially cleaning, but still I kept on on a daily basis; it wasn't like I had a choice.

Waking up really early was what I was forced to do. Unlike my home where I could sleep in till sunrise, aboard with those pushy pirates, I was made to wake up before the sun even threatened to rise. Despite how annoying and inconveniencing it was, it did help me get done with my work on time for me to have little rest by noon.

I made sure the deck and steps were cleaned just before the sun was out. I fussed about cleaning it though, considering the fact that I had the night before, but the bloody pirates just decided to have their little feast then and turn the place to a pigsty. They did have a maid after all didn't they? So they could do what they wanted to do.


Letting out a sigh of relief. I headed with my broom,duster and dustpan towards the Captain's room. I knocked on the door for some time before I heard him say "Come in" and I entered.

He sat on his supposed favourite chair beside the window as he studied a map. Was that how much he loved map reading? I rolled my eyes and then greeted coldly. He muttered a sudden but yet uninterested reply without even glancing up at me.
Ignoring him I stared around wondering where I could possibly start cleaning, on deciding I walked to the book shelf that was positioned opposite where he sat. The shelf was rather high for me to reach though, so I took a small wooden stool by the side and climbed.

Raising up the first three books that where arranged vertically on the last compartment of the shelf, I took my feather duster and began swiping forward. The dusty particles flooded my view and made their way into my mouth that was slightly open. I coughed and turned my face away and moved back forgetting I stood on the stool, my legs moved off the side just before I could get a hold of myself and use the shelf for support, I fell straight down sadly on my buttocks with a sudden painful scream.

Before I could take in what had happened, I heard laughter coming from across the room. I turned to see the coot of a Captain chuckling loudly as he looked at me. On meeting my gaze he looked down back to the map as he choked back laughter in an uncomfortable manner that made him look like he would explode any second.

"You think this is funny?" I said as I got up and stood akimbo.

He said nothing, rather he leaned back on his chair as he threw his head back while letting out chunks of annoying breaking laughter.

"I fell down from a stool and you find it amusing to you? I could have broken something" I said staring at him.

He laughed a little bit more before looking at me to reply. "If you had broken something I sincerely hope it would be your dirty wit." He said still laughing

I couldn't believe his level of sympathy or lack of considering the case then. He was being childish and extremely ill mannered. Were not gentlemen supposed to help ladies up in such situations instead of laughing? At least that was how it was back home. Had he forgotten about courtesy and proper manners?. He was a pirate after all so I should not have expected any more from a terrible lowlife peasant.

"Stupid pig head of a captain! Curse you and your bloody ship" I muttered under my breath, low enough for him not to hear.
Dusting my dress and then picking up my cleaning materials, I walked to the door.

"Enjoy staying in your dusty pig sty captain" I said, finishing up with a scoff.

"You will still clean it up later. You haven't got a choice " He said sternly but a trace of laughter in his voice still.

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