{5} Search

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Back at Arendelle

The two talked in whispers with fear of being seen or heard. They were aware of the trouble that would rise up if they were caught together.

"This has gone too far! I quit" She said looking him in his eyes. She swallowed hard as she summoned the courage to end their affair.

The man she spoke to stood quiet. He unfolded his arms, still unsure of what to say, watching her as she spoke on.

"I am tired of hiding this." She said throwing her hands up and let it down in frustration. "I really do not want this to him this way. I am tired of the secrecy, of the fear, the guilt. I am tired of ...of us!" She threw her gaze away from him, letting her head down in defeat. She really did not want to let go.

"Gwendolyn you can not possibly be serious" He said walking up to her and holding her chin in his hands.

She turned her face away and stepped backwards away from him. "I can fully understand how you feel Gwen, but I just need you to trust me. I know we'll find a way soon."

She sighed. "For how long Otto?, for how long?" She said, "you've been saying all this but nothing has happened so far. I certainly hasn't gotten any better"

She took a few steps around and let out a short humourless laugh. "I mean the princess is missing and I'm the one to blame. They think your people are the ones responsible but I am! You know what will happen if they figure I am the reason for her departure.  They'll surely kill me, considering the Queen's rage now"

"I know but I need you to hold on. I need you Gwen" He said to her.

She stood for a moment soaking in his words, it gladdened her heart to know she meant something to him, but she didn't want love in the wrong way.

"I..I cannot continue with this." The normally timid girl said her voice heard as she backed him.

He walked up closely and held her arms from behind, his jaw resting slightly on her head. "Please Gwen, don't give up on me." He begged, his voice throaty but soft. "I love you"

At the sound of his words she turned around to look at him. Her eyes almost welling with. It was really wonderful knowing he could love someone like her. She was just a maid, poor with nothing to offer but he loved her, she knew he did and she felt the same way too.

"I love you too" she replied finally giving in and letting his lips rest on her forehead after he pulled her into a hug.

"I can not possibly bear living without you, my Love and I truly do not care what anyone has to say." He whispered softly.

She smiled "I know this is wrong but..but it just feels so right being together with you. I just wish we cou......."

The door flew open and was suddenly shut. They turned to see an angry Knight standing at me the door. Scared, Gwendolyn pushed Otto away from herself and kept her hands behind her back, head down in dear.

"Get out!" He said, "I want to speak to my son....Alone"

Otto sighed. She looked at him and nodded at her to go. Carefully avoiding eye and body contact with Otto's father, she walked out the door.

"I am not comfortable concerning your closeness to that lowlife!" His father said once she was gone.

"That doesn't mean you have to be rude" Otto said to him.

Arturo glared at his son. He moved forward towards his son. "You have suddenly grown guts! Right boy? It's that wench, isn't it? She's building up your ego, is she?"

"You have no right to call her a wench Arturo" Otto said firmly. His father was a crazy power obsessed man, he had to be corrected.

"Ooohh! .....I see" Arturo said walking around.

Unexpectedly, a punch landed straight on Otto's face and before he could react his father held his neck tightly.

"If you let whatever useless attachment you are beginning to have with that peasant, get in the way of our plans, you won't have just me to contend with but the entire council as well." He threatened and freed his son.

"The queen requests for you," he said. "I advice you report to her soon instead of wasting time with maidens..... Remember boy use wisdom?" He added before leaving.


The courtyard was practically empty, there was no one there except the Queen, who sat all alone.

Otto made his way towards where she sat, under a tree. The tree casting a little shadow over her, the shade enough to guard her away from the humid afternoon sun that shone high above.

Swallowing his guilt he stood in front of her and took a small bow. "You sent for me your highness." Otto said on meeting her.

She looked up at him before speaking. "Why have you been unconcerned, concerning my daughters disappearance?" She asked.

"Your highness, I have been doing my best to find her" he said.

She frowned. "Don't you dare tell me that! If you truly have been doing your best like you say, my daughter would be here this minute!"


"You know the King is ill and he doesn't seem to be getting any better considering Astris' disappearance." She said, "and you're the only one I trust well enough to bring my daughter back"

Otto's face dropped. The uncomfortable feeling of guilt washed upon his face. He had been the reason for Astris leaving and here the Queen was entrusting him to bring her back. Even if he found her, he was sure that she would not return with him gladly.

"I suspect those Naeros they have to be responsible!" She said "I have lost my son to them but I will not lose my daughter as well"

"I will work harder your Highness. I will find her, you have my word" Otto replied.

"They are asking for war and that, they will get if they don't release her." She said and trailed off for a moment.

"Ready the troupes and leave as soon as possible" She got up And said good day, before waltzing off and leaving Otto standing there alone.

The Queen's wrath was something he did not want to have to deal with. He had to act fast to find her the princess, even though he had hurt her. He would have to do as the Queen wanted.

He would travel to Naero with the chief commander and soldiers. This was war.

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