{7}Work of a seer...and maid

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I took the knob and opened the door, shifting aside for him to enter before me. I did not want his gaze lingering behind and I also wanted to avoid any deadly occurrences, Incase he would choose to stab me in the back as we walked.

The room we were standing in was wide; slightly bigger than a cabin. In the spacious room, a big round table was positioned in the middle, a large paper was rolled up on the surface and two little items which I recognised as ink bowls were on the table as well.

On the walls of the room were few drawings and pictures, some of dragons, others were familiar maps of places and and a few of the papers had fire drawn and painted on them. Perses walked and stood at the head of the table, not willing to take the seat that was beside him.

"Close the door "He said to me on seeing I had left the door open.

"What for?" I asked.

"Privacy"He replied.

I didn't like where this seemed to be going. Did he really expect me to agree to this? He had tricked me into coming in here so that I could what? Ride below the crupper?. He had to be insane. There was no way I would let him and his little Captain Standish below, come any close to me.

"What do you mean by that you crooked-nosed knave, what do you take me for." I said "Don't you even dare treat me like a doxy. I don't deal with disgusting male wenches like yourself"

A mixture of confusion and anger washed up on his face. He walked towards me. I stood arms abreast trying to be brave and not let his tough demeanor sway me away from my anger.

His hand landed on my chin, his full lips in a straight line and anger written all over, on his face as his jaws clenched continuously. I took his hand off only for him to bring it back up and clung it to my neck. He pressed hard obstructing the passage of air in my lungs. I was choking.

"Now listen carefully you little puterelle. I am not after your scrawny little self okay! All I need you for, is to get my gem and if you as well misbehave or infuriate me, I swear you will feel my fists on your face before I send my bullets straight right into your little brain. If i were you I would not try to mess with me or else you'll not only be a wench for me but for the entire crew, understood?"

I managed to nod with teary eyes despite being breathless. "Good" He said letting go off my neck.

I rubbed at my neck choking and crying due to the pain I experienced. No one had ever talked to me in that manner, they could not even dare to. But there I was with the stupid Captain who wanted to choke me to death while raining insults on me.

"Now shut the door!" He added walking back not paying any attention to my tears. He truly proved himself to be a heartless creature. For all I knew, back at the castle no one could say no or stay mad when tears where involved at least back at home they couldn't, but he didn't even budge or spare me a remorseful glance. I wondered if he was really human or maybe the devil reincarnate.

I wiped my eyes and walked to close the door when his Uncle appeared in sight, walking straight towards us. "How do you do young lady?" He said as soon as I greeted him.

"I'm fine and you sir?"

"I'm good as the steering wheel!" He said.

I was confused by his choice of words for comparison but I said nothing, I only gave a forced smile.

"Perses, what are we to do now?" He asked walking up to the stupid captain.

"First of all uhh...." He started but didn't know my name "What's your name?" He asked.

"Diane" I replied lowly.

Turning back to his uncle he we continued. "She is going to help me find Golda."

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