{4}- Lies

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"It's no wonder why she was in such a hurry to leave,she stole the Captain's gem and went on board the rival ship"

"Yes mate! And now captain's real mad" another man said as I walked passed.

"Golda has caused real trouble for the young maiden. Captain sure is going to take all his anger out on her. She'll wined up dead in the cold sea" the first man said.

"Or she'll even dance the hempen jig" the second stout talkative of a pirate said with a trace of laughter in his voice.

I frowned and scrunched up my lips, looking back to stare at the scoundrels, especially the fat stupid one that seemed to see my death as a funny thing. I was about to give him a befitting reply when the tall, heavily built dark man with the eye patch spoke.

"You two dalcops had better quit saying your stupid tattle tales and start setting those barrels straight or else you'll be the ones to wined up dead in the sea." He said sternly to them, causing them to hurriedly get back to work as if they had never stopped.

The eye patch man sighed and continued escorting me towards the deck, trailing closely behind me as we approached there. With the number that turned up I was sure that more than half of the crew had come out to view my death scene. They stared at me as soon as I came to sight, some of them whispering, some looking at me mockingly while a few had pity written on their faces. Goodness me! I hated pity, especially from lowlifes.

I halted as soon as I felt mister eye patch's tight grip on my hands which by the way were firmly tied behind my back with a pretty strong rope.

I so wished I was on land, I would have had a chance to pick to my heels and run as fast as my legs could possibly ever take me. Escaping on land was a lot easier, at least I knew I would have a place to hide away; but sadly I was in the open sea. I couldn't possibly jump off the ship without drowning or even worse get eaten by a sea creature; ending up in a shark's belly wasn't a great thing.

Either ways, I'd wined up in the sea, their bullcrap of a captain was going to end my life in the seemingly endless water. Meeting pirates sure was an unbearable curse, I so wondered how grandmother had ever fallen in love with one. They were monsters.

I was brought back from my dripping thoughts into the bitter reality as the sound of boots on the wooden floor flooded my ears. I noticed the chattering of the crew had stopped and their gaze travelled beyond me. I turned back to see the green eyed pirate monster of a captain.

He wore brown boots and trousers that didn't quite fit but nonetheless didn't look bad either. He wore a white shirt that hugged his body tightly almost as if it was an extra skin. He had a black belt round his waist and the top of his head was shielded by a pirate hat that fell low, covering his left eye. I noticed he had what looked like a little thin stick up in his mouth with his jaws clenched and moving as he chewed slowly on it.

What a fool he was to chew on a stick.

He walked to my direction and stopped right in front of me. He glared at me, his anger burning from his green orbs into my eyes, but I stubbornly glared back showing how  angry I was with the situation.

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