{9} Hands On Deck

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I dropped the bucket and the little wooden handled brush I had been given.

I marched straight to see the monster of a Captain. He was insane to think I'd do a maid's job. No way!

I passed the crew that seemed to be setting the remaining stock in their right places. The promiscuous fools kept using dirty slangs and making whistling noises as I passed. I knew I was pretty but they made it obvious in a disgusting way and even if maybe, just maybe I wanted a little fun with a man, the bloody pirates were not an option. They were insane, monstrous, stupid pigs.

Sighing and paying them no mind I walked on passed my room and came face to face with the door of the Captain's room. Sucking up air and putting aside the remembrance of how humiliating it had been when I had first been in there, I opened the door and walked in making sure I slammed the God-forsaken door behind me so as to get the Captain's attention. I got his attention alright just how I wanted it.

He stood by the window, with a map placed on the window sill. He looked up from the map he had been studying and fixed his eyes on me.

"What in heaven's sake are you doing here?" He said.

"My name's As...Diana not coot Perses, it's not too hard for your brain to recall is it" I said correcting my mistake in time.Oh!, the irony in my quip.

His brows furrowed. "You don't dare call me by my name wench." He said "If you haven't any manners from wherever you come from you should have some bloody manners on my ship!"

"See who's speaking of manners, You almost made me walk the plank you disdainful piglet!" I said yanking out all my anger that couldn't be concealed."I came to tell you that I'm not your frigging maid so you cannot force me to act like one. How dare you tell me to clean you're stupid ship?"

He could kill me if he wanted but I was still going to tell him I wasn't living like a helper. Wait! okay I wasn't ready to die so I'll say he could torture me if he wanted but he sure had to listen to me. I.COULDN'T.WORK.AS.A.FRIGGING.MAID.

I was a princess for heaven's sake. I had what self esteem, so being a maid was a degrade. I was aware he did not know that I was royalty but still as a normal girl I portrayed myself to be, he had no right to make me do stupid chores for him and his stupidity bound crew. It's not as if I came aboard for the purpose of being a servant girl.

Breaking off from my angry thoughts I saw he was already in front of me. His height wasn't so intimidating any longer if I may add, considering I was a little bit tall myself; above average I suppose. He grabbed my arm tightly and just then my anger began fading away only to be replaced by pain. I stand corrected, he was an intimidating monster, who would yank my hand off with his strong fixed grip. My hand was dying, if that was even correct.

"Now let us get this straight" he started off "First you should watch your bloody tone with me or else you'll be sorry. Secondly I am referred to as Captain because I own this ship and not even a shameless doxy like you could change that, not in a million years. Last but not the least, let this moment be marked in your petite nut of a brain as the first and the last time you dare insult me, try it one more time and this rotten tongue of yours will be lying motionless on the floor for all to see" he said now pressing both sides of my cheek with his other hand.

"Your being here on this ship with your life spared is a favour you should never forget that. Now get to work you could as well be useful on this ship till I find my gem." He continued "Get out!" He said and turned me around and with one push I was staggering towards the door. I opened it and walked out, before I could close it he slammed the door shut behind my back.

Biting my lips to stop myself from crying I made my way with tears threatening to pour out of my eyes and making my vision slightly blurred as I moved.

I went on my knees and took out the brush, dipping it into the wooden bucket I let it down and began scrubbing on the wooden board. This was not the perfect runaway trip I had planned. I had intended to go to my grandmother's village but now I was chasing after a promiscuous thief and the Captain's former lover.

While I cleaned between silent sobs heel boots came to view in front of me. I traced the legs up to the rest of the body and to the face of the owner. I had my hands up on my forehead serving as a cover to shield me from the suns rays. "So you're the low class maid trying to take away my Carac from me? Not on my watch you won't." She said, "No one dares steal my Carac, okay?"

"Well I'll have you know that your precious Carac isn't my type. I prefer to deal with classy princes or rich nobles than low life pirates" I said to her, getting up.

She stared at me with her mouth slightly open in shock at my audacity. "Well you really are a dreamer its not like a Prince or noble would want a maid for a wife or mistress even" she finally spat. I wasn't angered by her words, only saddened. If only she knew a noble had left me for a maid.

"My point is you shouldn't dare try to push yourself to my Carac or else you'll be sorry!" She said. "Just get on with your maiden duties and leave Caracas alone understood?"

I said nothing I just stared at her emotionless and she scoffed kicking the bucket before leaving and sending the soapy water all over the place.

Frowning, I scowled stretching my hands into claws behind her like I would yank her hair as she walked away. I sighed in frustration and went to ask for a mop to clean up the soapy mess.

After forcing myself to keep waiting patiently for Rulf who said he was 'busy' when in fact he was just playing board games with a few other pirates, he finally told me were the mop was, it stood not far of being me. After letting out a wordless yell I stomped my foot on the floor, I took a few steps to take the mop.

Trying hard to resist the urge to hit him hard on the head with the mop, I walked away swearing under my breath. They were all frustrating. I walked to where the water had poured and began mopping.

I was sure I spent the entire evening cleaning the deck alone and by night I was as tired as a worn out wagon wheel. I really couldn't believe I could have ever worked, honestly that was my first time holding a brush to clean but I was aware it wouldn't be my last. I had brought this upon myself after all.

Once in my room, I bolted the door behind me and pounced on the bed. I was hungry but my weakness surpassed the hunger. I really didn't bother asking for food all I needed was rest. My entire body ached and I felt like my body parts would detach soon enough.

Despite how stupid my day had gone, I was extremely glad to be alive. I owed that to the Captain Monster at least.

But then I thought, no! I owed it to myself. If he could have his way and didn't think he needed me to get his gem I would have met with my ancestors already. I was to thank for my being alive, I had been smart enough to save myself.

"Thank you" I said to myself  "You're pretty and smart Astris. It's too bad Otto doesn't see your worth."

For a moment I wondered what he was doing. He was probably with Gwendolyn or maybe he was searching for me. It was impossible, my well being would be the least thing on his mind, I was sure.

Letting out a sad sigh I sunk into the bed releasing all my weight on it and fell as sleep soon after.

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