{27} A sign of care

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I pushed everyone out of my way as soon as I got up on the ship and I dropped to my knees in front of her.

Her body was a lot paler than usual. I stared at her, studying her face, the little circles of water that rolled off her face and to the floor, I studied for any movement but saw none, not even the flickering of her eyelids. I couldn't quite tell if she was breathing or not because her chest wasn't moving in the normal rhythm a living person's would have.

'She's pale.' I heard Carac say but ignored him.

My eyes remained fixed on the cold princess as I remained unsure of what to do. I then noticed her white shirt that had gotten overly transparent than it should have, due to it's wetness. It hugged tightly to her stomach and chest, revealing her light skin and her bosom. My brows furrow at the thought of what might run through the minds of the promiscuous pirates. They wouldn't feed their lust through her, I wasn't going to let it.

Without much hesitation, I dug my hands under her back and I lifted her off of the ground.

'Where are you taking her?' Carac questioned standing in front of me.

'Away from you.' I snapped, 'now get the hell out of my way!'

He moved aside and watched as I carried her passed him.

Stupid Bastard.

I carried the Princess to the passageway of my our rooms. I stood for a moment contemplating whether or not to take her to her room or to mine. Finally deciding, I managed to reach for the door handle and then opened the door, I kicked the door wide open causing it to hit the wall.

'Yira! Yira!' I called at once.

The old Lady had her legs folded on the floor, while her  index and  thumb on both hands were pinched together. It was obvious she had been meditating.

'Must you always disturb my peace and quiet.' She said calmy still with her eyes shut.

'Astris is cold Yira, I fear she might die if you don't do something now.' I informed.

Yira opened her eyes and on seeing Astris in my hands she rushed up to her feet. I hurried to the bed and dropped the princess. Yira walked towards her and knelt by the bed, a look of worry on her face.

'Why is she so wet and cold?' She asked feeling Astris.

'She fell over board.' I said scratching my temple.

She stared at me, her eyes showing much anger and giving a warning sign that she was about let out a mouth full of scolding. 'Don't look at me that way Yira. It was all that idiot, Carac" I told her.

'That foolish boy will always have the mind of a child.' She said and then continued to examine the princess. She held up her hand slightly as she checked for a pulse.

'Is she dead?' I asked moving closer with anxiousness.

She shook her head. 'No, she's just unconscious although her pulse is weak.'

My brows furrowed and pulled my face into a frown. 'It's nothing a little magic can't handle.' Yira said.

Yira knelt down. She shut her eyes and then began chanting. I couldn't make sense of anything she said, all I heard was her murmuring as her hands hovered over Astris' stomach. A ray of blue light formed from inside the princess' stomach. The more Yira chanted, the faster the light travelled up to her chest, to her throat and then her lips parted letting it out. As soon as it got to the open, Yira wielded the light and it suddenly dropped to the floor in form of water.

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