{22} Attack Of The Naeros

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Some of us wanted to see things from Perses' POV for a while, so here it is guys. Thanks for the support; I appreciate.


Perses' POV

I came back to my senses once my golden vision faded with a sight of black first, before normality strode back. My lips were pressed against her neck and her grip on my shoulders were tight and firm.

Despite the fact I hadn't been my self, I knew what had happened and how it had begun but what I didn't understand was why it did. Nonetheless I still didn't want to pull away from her, her natural scent flooded my nostrils and made it's way into my mind. It was nothing like Golda's because she always wore perfume, Diana's was just perfect.

I pulled away and looked at her, her eyes were shut, she seemed to be drawn in as well. Smiling mentally, I stared at her as she parted her long lashes open at a slow pace, revealing her surprise and her tired orbs as well; I slowly carried her up and placed her on the bed. I stood for a second and looked at her, she looked back at me her eyes widening as she gulped slightly.

I smiled. "Don't you worry, I won't go there." I assured her. "At least not yet though."

She frowned at my teasing remark and then rolled her  eyes. "It was just a joke. Anyways you need some rest you've been up all morning."

She relaxed and sunk slightly into the bed; I arranged the bed sheet, tucking her to sleep. "Goodnight." I said and pecked her on her forehead. She flushed slightly.

I smiled back and turned to walk to the other end. "Where will you sleep?" She asked.

I stopped and faced her. "I'll arrange the mat over there." I replied. I walked over to the other side and pickled the rolled up mat that rested on the wall. I unfolded it and spread it on the floor before crouching low to lie on it. I lay on my back, my hands folded underneath my head and stared up for a while, unable to sleep.

She had seen me in that monstrous state. Could she have been scared? Of course she would have. Maybe she still was. But if so, she would have run off; she wouldn't dare stay in the same room with me if she truly was.

I really wasn't sure of anything.

I wasn't sure of what would become of my life or my family as well. I wasn't sure of my self, my fate, even my feelings. It was true that I knew  whatever I felt for Golda had died off and was replaced with great loath, but I was confused about my feelings for Diana. They seemed to have come up out of the blue but I was certain something was growing. List, it maybe but nonetheless it was something.

It seemed the feelings rose after our stay in Baramanth, the way she had acted when we were alone; feisty I must say. The courage she had displayed when she was with the slave traders, her kind nature towards the young girl and her brother. Golda would have never done that, not in a million years. Diana was witty, but wasn't all that bad.

In physical features she didn't lack either, she was pretty, her brown orbs were a common colour but it still bore into mine well enough to invade my thinking. Her long lashes shielded them perfectly. Her nose was just small enough to fit her perfect face. Her lips. They were soft and succulent, letting out warm kissed to complete mine. I couldn't imagine them on someone else not even my brother.

Her voice itself was soft and alluring.


I could still hear it perfectly in my head as it lingered on with the feeling of our closeness moments ago. Her chest pressed against mine. If only their true selves could be revealed bare against mine.

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