{13} Baramanth (ii)

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Yay!!! 536 veiws......thanks to all of you for reading I really really do appreciate. Would still love to get more feedback and comments and votes.
To all my followers I freaking love y'all..


"So what brings thah high and mighty Perses Moon ta these parts once again" asked Captain Jim.

"I've come in search of Golda. I was told she was headed here." He said,"have you seen her around."

Captain Jim tapped the beer mug with his fingers and then began pouring the content into his cup while he spoke. "I haven't seen her but heard she came ta town and I was also told that she came ta tha bar two days ago and she was accompanied by the some Fire Pirates and a few Red Soldiers"

He stopped and drank his beer. "And oh! Haruki was with her. They did seem suspicious though. Heard they were acting like lovers openly and that was when I concluded that ya two must be done for good"

Perses' grip seemed to tightened round his cup. "Haruki"he said in a throaty but yet anger filled whisper. "So it is true she left with him." he added talking to himself so low that no one could hear him but I.

Captain Jim looked at me and then at Perses more like he was confused about something. "But I'm rather inquisitive tho' you have this angel here, I mean she's not that bad if compared to your old lover, so why still search for Golda?."

Perses cooled down a bit and all of a sudden his initial smile was plastered on his face as he looked at me. I could still see the anger and pain radiating from his eyes.

He was about to speak when Captain Jim spoke "Appar'ntly she doesn't seem ta have a problem with it, I really don't understand ya both and tha relationship. Is she nat ah serious one?"

I frowned, what did he take me for, a minx? A wench. He had to be crazy or was probably getting tipsy for him to be saying all that rubbish.

Unexpectedly Perses held my hand and kissed my forehead before tracing his lips down to mine. I was beginning to feel disgusted like I would throw up any second due to harsh taste of beer that lingered on my tongue. I was sure he was enjoying this, he was finally reducing me to a wench just as he wanted. All that was left was to take me to bed.

"We are pretty serious but my search for Golda is pretty uh...official, she has something that belongs to me" he replied the old man. He looked around for a second. "Can I talk to you in private"He finally said.

The old man nodded and stood up and Perses did same, but before he left he bent down to peck me. "Do not move from here" he said to me and with ever fake smiles we looked at each other before he left.

They walked slightly further away to a part of the bar that was least congested. I couldn't hear a word they wear saying but I was able to read their lips a little "...... emperor.... Gem....... Golda......... Get back...." Were among the few words.

On seeing it was fruitless and I was sure I wouldn't hear them anytime soon, I looked away and realised men were staring at me. Most of them licking their lips and winking in a suggestive manner.

I gulped and then eyed them before looking back to the empty beer Captain Jim had offered me, which Perses had drank after I told them I didn't take strong drinks. I looked towards Perses, Captain Jim was now opening the door behind them to enter. Perses looked at me before entering after the old man.

After moments of trying my best to put up with the suggestive immoral gestures of the men around. I decided to go and join Perses just before the men could decide to forcefully lie with me to fulfil their lust filled wants.
I looked away from a dark skinned man who had earrings designed on his ears. He was grinning lustfully, revealing two gold teeth in front and the other teeth that looked almost brown. He had his hand on his 'generating tool', signalling me to see it as it was already bulging out in his trousers. Scared of would happen next, I decided not to take chances and went into the same room Perses and Captain Jim were.

I opened the door and saw Captain Jim handing him a brown paper. He took it and then they turned to see me standing at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt but I was just.."

"Missing ya hunk of a lover" Captain Jim completed teasingly just before Perses could explode all his anger on me. "Perses remem'er wah I said.....I'll give you two your privacy now" he added with a wink before leaving and closing the door behind me.

"Why did you come in here?" Perses said almost yelling "I thought I told you not to move from there!"

"Well I wasn't comfortable there, the men in the bar are too promiscuous to stay with."I said.

Perses growled and banged the table in frustration."You're such a wimp, your mates can handle such men freely but you're just too dumb to even handle one, just one...."

"Ever so prude" he added with a scoff and walked o the rear end.
Prude? I couldn't handle a man?, maybe I was prude a little but it was for my self respect. Maybe the fact he stated was the reason Otto had cheated but still Perses had just hit my ego. I would show him.

I walked to meet him. "Prude you say?, well if I was I wouldn't do this" I said grabbing his 'may-pole' with this trousers before I pulled his head down a bit to give him a kiss. I pushed him backward to the small bed positioned a few feets away and pushed him on it.

"What are you..."

I climbed on as well and kissed him again and was about to let my hands trespass when the door was opened.

"Oh sorry jas came ta pick my money chest"Captain Jim said hurriedly grabbing the chest and leaving with his usual mischievous smile stuck on his face.

He closed the door and I went on from where I had stopped. He tried to push me away but I held him tighter and soon he gave in. He returned all the gestures that I threw at him almost at the same time and then when he started kissing me back hurriedly I smirked and pulled away.

"I can't handle a man right? Well I think I just did, don't you think?"I said before getting out and walking to the door.

I turned to see him sitting up, his legs slightly apart and his thumb rubbing his lips as he looked at me and tried to fully take in what had happened. I smiled with satisfaction my point had been proven.

"Meet me outside when you've recovered" I teased before walking out.

He fell back on the bed with his hands on his head as he sighed and looked up, then I shut the door and walked back to my seat.


I'm aware this chapter is rather short but wanted to kicking Perses' POV but decide to do that with a fresh chapter ......he serves that doesn't he


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