cursing the government

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maya: i hate it here

ty: it can't be that bad already

maya: she keeps insulting me and making comments about whoever raised me all the time ignoring the fact that she was too busy screaming at people to raise me herself.

maya: it's bad tyler.

ty: i'm so sorry maya. you know we'd fly up there in a heartbeat if we could.

maya: screw the government

maya: you know?

ty: yeah

ty: the government sucks

ty: go to bed maya, it's almost four am

maya: tell josh i said hi. goodnight ty

ty: i will. goodnight maya

"You can walk to school, and walk home. Use google maps or something, I have a work meeting this morning and another one this afternoon that runs until nine. There's food in the fridge." Maya nods slowly as Rachel rushes out the door. She straps her bass in it's case across her back, carying her backpack as she skates to school. She looks at the skateboard as she walks into the school, it was one of Piper's that she gave to Maya before she left. She bit her lip as the memory of their first art class replayed in her head. She sulks her way through the day, keeping her head down and only speaking when spoken to. By the end of day one, she was officially one of the weird kids. Almost everyone recognised her, but probably knew what had happened to make her end up here, and left her alone. The little classwork that she did, was done with no effort. Except music, she channeled all her energy and effort into the hour long music class she had three times a week. It helped her forget where she was.

Most nights she ate leftovers by herself for dinner, Rachel usually got home around ten "You know," Maya thought outloud as Rachel opened the door, placing her handbag on the table "It's almost like you tore me out of LA just so you had someone to sit around here and make your bills worth paying." Rachel huffed, pulling her shoes off "Shut up, Maya." She snapped, glaring at her. Maya winced, acting like she was fine, before returing to her food. 

When there was a man covered in tattoos who looked vaugly familar outside school on her fourth week, Maya brightened up a little "Maya Urie?" He asks, Maya shrugs "Not legally, but yeah. You're Frank Iero." Frank nods "Gerard told me about what happened, I'm sorry kid." Maya shrugs once more. Frank looks around "Well, while we're in New York, let's go be tourists. Empire State Building?" He asks. Maya nods, and that was how she ended up at the top of New York, with a man she barely knew. Frank told her about touring with My Chemical Romance, and Brendon's emo phase, and Pete's emo phase. Maya laughs softly "But what about Gerard's emo phase?" Frank shakes his head "Nah, cause' like, his entire life is like one big emo phase." Maya laughs again, looking out over the city "I better go home." She sighs, Frank nods "I'll see you again soon Maya. Have a safe walk home." Maya nods "Thanks for this Frank." He shrugs "It's the least I can do, you've had it pretty rough."

It was her fifth week when someone approached her at school "Hi, you're Maya Urie, right?" Maya nods slowly "Not legally." they put a hand on her shoulder "I saw what happened. I'm really sorry, that must suck." Maya looks up, nodding again "Yeah, thanks." She was lying on her bed when Amelia called her phone "Maya?" Maya smiles, properly "Hey Mels." Amelia laughs "How's the dazzling life in New York?" Maya rolls over on her bed, suddenly missing Penny and Bogart "Yeah, it sucks. She works like 8 to 9. She's never even at the house." Amelia sighs "That sucks man, I miss you." Maya nods, pulling a box of left over rice out of the fridge "I miss you too, and real food. I usually just eat leftovers." Amelia frowns "Maya that's not right, you need to get some proper food." Maya shrugs "I'm fine, but we gotta go. She'll be back soon, and have bass to practise." Amelia laughs "Still prioritising bass over me I see." She grins "Always Mel. Bye." Amelia sighs "Bye, Maya." Rachel opens the door as Maya packs her bass back into its case. Maya realises she hasn't eaten and stands in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Rachel heat something up. Maya turns, deciding that she can go without dinner tonight.

Brendon stands with his back to the house, looking into the dark water of the pool. Sarah stands next to him, holding his hand "I miss her." Sarah nods "Me too, Bren. Me too." He sighs, closing the sliding door behind them and falling on to their once more, too big couch "There's gotta be a way to get her back, we've gotta be able to prove she's better off with us." Sarah shrugs "I don't know how we'd do that Brendon." For the weeks after she left, Penny and Bogart often scratched on the closed door of her room, or barked while running around the house looking for her. Brendon would go into the studio expecting her to be there, playing something on guitar. Sarah would often go to get in the car of an morning to drop her off, before realising the car was empty the same as Brendon realised the fender hanging on the wall was slowly being covered in dust. Some days they'd accidentally pull three plates out for dinner, or go to book three seats on a flight. Neither of them were coping well, neither was Maya.

Her grades dropped almost instantly, except for music, music she was an A student. Everything else, she just didn't have the energy to care about. Letters were sent to Rachel about Maya's poor grades, and Maya then told Pete, who told Brendon and Sarah. Brendon had turned to the other man, a desperate look on his face "This is it. We've gotta get her back now, or she's gonna give up for good." 

a/n: aye good luck brendon and sarah for the next two chapters + we hit 100 votes and 500 reads on the same day how crazy is that ! hope you enjoy the extra update for today + have a good day today/don't stay up too late reading (that's a message your local mum friend)

hope you liked this one !

grace x

impossible year; adopted by brendon urieWhere stories live. Discover now