Introduction + Author's Note

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I N T R O D U C T I O N  +  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

D a t i n g  t h e  W o r l d : C o u n t r y  X  R e a d e r


Hey everyone~! Thanks for clicking on my fan fiction. Before I start the first chapter, there's some information I'd like to make you aware of. First, to be extra clear, this is a series of Country x Reader one-shots. Not a multi-chaptered story. But each one-shot will have its own unique flare and differ from the others. Some will be an AU, some won't. They will also include different versions of characters, such as Pirate!, 2P!, and Punk!. (mainlyforengland&americawhat)

Also, I'll be using their country names- except maybe when 2P's are involved. When it's Pirate versions of characters, I'll probably use their human names :3. Example: For Spain, I'll use 'Captain Antonio Carriedo'. When it comes to 2P's- which I love, by the way- I'll be using the fixed versions of their given human names. Example: England's human name, Arthur Kirkland, would be Oliver Lirkand as it's known in the 2P fandom. XD

The main reason I'll be using country names for the normal one-shots is because... well, I'm kind of too lazy to memorize every character's human name. XD I only know the Main Eight's (Axis + Allies) and... that's about it. Plus, there aren't official human names for all the other characters yet, right? c; Besides, it's more fun to call them by their country name. Sounds more official. Since they're used in the anime and manga. :P

Anyways, the ratings will vary. Mostly from G to PG-13. Warnings will be at the top of every one-shot if needed, since I do the occasional 'lime'. ;D [Not to be confused with 'lemon'.]

(EDIT: Wattpad has changed the official rating to R. But, please know that there really isn't any R-Rated content. The site of Wattpad just thought R was more appropriate since, a few of the 2P chapters mention things like torture, BDSM, etc when none of it actually occurs.)

Just to let you know, there will probably be repeats of America, China, and England because they're the best asdfghjkl O_o. I'm not going to take requests yet, because I already have a list of characters that I want to get done first. Who knows, the character you might want to request could be on the list.

Okay, here it is. These are my top favorite Hetalia characters, so I absolutely need to write one-shots for them before I start doing requests. Though this is the exact order of my favorites, I doubt I'll be posting their one-shots in this order. Just expect these characters coming soon in a random order:

1. America! :)

2. China

3. England

4. Romania

5. Iceland

6. Norway

7. Denmark

8. Spain

9.  Prussia

10. Romano

11. Greece

12. Canada

13. Austria

14. Italy

((( Just to remind you, I also really want to do some 2P!, Pirate!, and Punk! versions of these guys. Namely the top 3. Expect some of those too. ;p )))

After one-shots for these countries are written and published, then I'll start on requests for others. I'm willing to do any version of the character- chibis even. (no judging) But I'll only do a Chibi!Country one-shot if the nation's paired with a written Chibi!Reader. :)

Whatever version you choose, your one-shot will probably take about 1-3 days to write. Then I'll post it immediately so you don't have to wait very long. I'm sure most writers could finish a one-shot in less than a day, but I'm pretty busy with school, so it takes me longer ._. Plus, my one-shots will probably be from 2,000 to 7,000 words long. Other one-shots I've read are as short as less than 1,000 words, so... yeah...

Prompts are accepted, but not required. No sides of yaoi, yuri, or hetero pairings (Example: Prussia X Hungary. *cringe*). Only COUNTRY x YOU. Also, I won't be typing accents. They're annoying to read, i.m.o., and like their human names- I haven't bothered to memorize them all. The only ones I know are Japan's and Germany's- Japan's because I know all his L's are replaced with R's, and Germany's because I know all his W's are replaced with V's... Ahahaha, and yeah. I hope that's okay.

Some one-shots will be love triangles, love squares, or even harems. Sorry, just can't help it. XD They're fun to write, you know? An example of a love triangle would be like, England x Reader x 2P!England. I know I'll probably do that one, hehehe. ;D ... And a love square, for example, would be something like: Bad Touch Trio x Reader. Again, that's one I actually would love to write. And for a harem... I'd probably write a Nordic Five x Reader one-shot. Oh gosh, that'd be so much fun :0

Okay, so here are my disclaimers that'll count for the whole series:

I do not own Hetalia- nor do I own you, Reader-chan. :) I only own the plots of these upcoming one-shots, teehee XD

Alright, now that we got all that stuff up there settled... what are you waiting for? Go on- THE SEXY BOYS OF HETALIA ARE WAITING FOR YOUUUU~!

-Celine (:

Thanks for reading, everyone!

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