Angel with a Shotgun {2P!America} {Part 2/2}

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Angel with a Shotgun {Part 2 of 2} {2P!America x Reader}

“I don’t care if Heaven won’t take me back. Not without you.”

Warning: Not recommended if you’re highly religious. Below has mentions of anti-God, devils, purgatory, demons/angels, Heaven/Hell, and death. Also contains blood, horror, violence, and very dark themes. Not to mention Zao’s opium addiction, Francois’s bad smoking habit, and Allen’s mouth. Hey, you wanted the 2P’s; you got the 2P’s.


The name had such a warm, comforting ring to it. But, to your horror, you realized you still didn’t know exactly who this Alfred was. You knew he was the person who Allen reminded you of, but that was about it.

You got an image of him, a name, and a personality. But no memory of your relationship with him. You understood you must have known him from your previous life, but you didn’t know how you knew him. Was he a friend? Acquaintance? Family member?

You had never been more puzzled. And after that piece of memory returned, you somehow felt even more drawn to Allen than usual. You didn’t say it, but you could tell he acted like he already knew you from a different life. But there was no way he’d tell you—that you knew for sure. He was devious, secretive, and mysterious. There were a lot of things he still hadn’t told you.

Some ideas came from the fact that he was often hard on everyone but you. The way he scolded others for their improper aim, but offered to help you when you were having trouble. How he usually came to your rescue whenever one of the Battlefront members was either getting too touchy or teasing you too much. All of these actions made you believe he had to have some kind of connection to you—either in another life or… you didn’t want to think about the other idea.

Maybe he was nicer to you than the rest of the Battlefront simply because you were a girl…? Or was it really that you’d known him back when you both were alive?

No; you saw who he looked like. That was who you knew before you died. Not Allen.

But, deep down, you wished it had been Allen who you’d met before your death. Whoever this ‘hero’ Alfred was—he couldn’t compare to your villain.


It was a couple of weeks after your trip into the city. Or at least you guessed it was weeks; since there was no way to tell the time in purgatory. The Battlefront had already gone back to retrieve the supplies they’d failed to obtain when you went. The few trips they made without you had been their most successful yet—they’d brought back more weapons, ammunition, food, water, medicine, and other supplies than ever before. You wanted to crawl under a rock just to drown in your shame.

Of course, Allen had told you to stay each time. He said you weren’t ready yet. But he hadn’t seemed angry, just concerned.

“Don’t worry about those monsters,” Luciano had told you; who’d also been instructed by Allen to stay and help keep you and the base safe. “They’re monsters, I’ll repeat. They can kill anything. Just because you can’t doesn’t mean you’re weak.” You knew he was implying the rest of the Battlefront. And, he was right. They could slay anything that got in their way.

But still, you wished you could help more. Fighting wasn’t really your forte. So instead, you assisted Oliver in the kitchen, helped Luciano sharpen his nearly countless throwing knives, learned how to repair guns with Ion, and made the base a more comfortable place to live. You once asked Allen to bring back some new light bulbs from the city, and he did. You soon fixed the dim, flickering lighting, and cleaned up the rest of the base. Before you came, not even prim, organized little Oliver cleaned the place. You made it much more comfortable after a while.

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