Chapter XIX

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Hunter hands over the gold coins to the landlord, his hood drawn up over his face. Logan stands behind him, his face hidden by the dark cloth wrapped around his head, only his dark green eyes on display. The landlord, a large fellow with a belly that hangs over his trousers and rough well worked hands. He bites onto the coin and nods slowly. He steps into his tavern and beckons a woman, his wife. She bustles over, wiping her floury hands down on her apron. She beams at them, with bright eyes and rosy cheeks. It falters slightly at the darkness coming from two of their new customers. She glances at her husband.

"They want two rooms and complete privacy." The landlord tells her as he eyes Hunter's cloaked figure. Hunter turns his head and raises a silent dark eyebrow. The landlord immediately looks away, back to his wife. She nods, more confident now she understands their strange guises.

"Well follow me then." She saunters away. Leo and Jag instantly follow after her, both eager to sleep in a comfortable bed after roughing it for several weeks. The landlord disappears through a different door that must lead to the kitchen. Logan catches Hunter's arm and pulls him back. Hunter huffs a little with impatience and turns to him.

"I really do not think we will be safe stopping here. We are still within the Ricell's lands." Logan's utters quickly and quietly, his voice smothered by the cloth.

Hunter glances at the closed kitchen door, his gaze suspicious. He marches back outside and Logan has no choice but to follow. He halts a reasonable distance from the tavern and leans against a tree. "I have paid for their mouths to remain closed. I stopped here before and no one knew of my existence. It is only one night." Hunter softly speaks his tone a little manipulative.

Logan rolls his eyes and pulls down the cloth covering his face, his back to the tavern. "How do you know that no one was told?" Logan shakes his head. "I am a criminal on the loose, a murderer, if they think that they will not keep their mouths closed for the few gold coins you gave."

"Then do not give them a reason to think that you are." Hunter says as if it is too simple. Logan lets out a loud sound of exasperation.

"We have gone in there with faces covered and paying for privacy. Does that not scream guilt to you?" Logan asks slowly, trying to make his brother understand.

"Trust me; they have many guests who have done exactly as we have. It will be much more suspicious if we leave now." Hunter replies with a shrug of the shoulders. "I am going inside to bathe and sleep. You may remain outside and keep an eye out if you wish."

Hunter strides away but keeps an ear out. Several moments pass but a smile twitches at his lips when he hears his brother's footfalls following shortly behind him. The landlady looks up from wiping some tables. "Straight up the stairs, second door on the left." Hunter nods quickly. "Will you young men be wanting dinner?"

"In our rooms." Hunter replies, his voice purposely deeper and gravelly. Logan has to choke back his laughter. They head up the stairs and go into their room. Hunter slides the deadbolt across and throws himself onto one of the beds. Logan removes the cloth from around his head and lets it drop to the floor. The room is very bare, just two single beds and wooden floorboards. A tin bath sits at the end of the room. Logan drops onto the other bed and relishes in the comfortable surface.

"What on earth was that?" He asks with his eyes closed. Hunter chuckles at the question.

"It's the voice I used last time. I sound too young if I use my own voice and I end up paying more for secrecy."

"I am starting to think that Wolfe and I never knew half of the things you got up to." Logan says with a chuckle in his voice.

He opens his eyes to look over at Hunter. He falls silent at the sight of his little brother's closed eyes and peaceful expression. His chest rises and falls slowly and soft sounds fall from his open mouth. Logan stands and removes his brother's boots. He leaves him there and walks out into the hallway. A door opens and Logan flinches. Leo bites his lip, an apology in his throat. Logan offers a weak smile and walks into their room. Jag grins at him from the bed where he sits crossed legged with a book on his leg.

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