Chapter 27

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I walked in and the players looked up. Some stared at my face and others noticed my stomach. My stomach showed fairly through my shirt plus the way I walk had changed. There was a slight waddle. I clasped my hands and started my introduction. "Hello, my name is Chelsea Anderson and I'm your new athletic trainer. Before we get started, is there anything you'd like to know about me?" I asked.

"What was your previous job?" One of the guys asked.

"I was the head athletic trainer for the San Fransisco Giants." I said. After their questions, we got started. We soon finished up with the session. I was getting ready to start the suicide runs. I blew the whistle and the first row started. Tweet!

Someone called my name as I blew for the second row. I turned and saw one of the coaches standing with Levi. I motioned him over and blew the whistle for the third row. "Hey, hold on." I said and turned back to the guys. Tweet! They took off.

After the fourth row went it started. As each row ran, I wrote down little notes on each player if what could be improved and what looked absolutely fine. Once they finished I dismissed them and grabbed up my stuff. Tomorrow, I'd just have to start working with the injured players to get them I had a back pack. I smiled at Levi and gave him a long hug. It was as tight because of the limited space my belly provided. He kissed me and grabbed my hand. We walked to the head Coach's office.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked into his office. He looked up and smiled. "Hey, Chelsea. Who is this you have with you?" He asked.

"This is, Levi, my husband." I said with a big smile. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson." Coach said. They shook hands.

"Call me Levi." Levi told him. They indulged into the conversation they were meant to have. Long story short, Levi had to stick around for while. As long as I am working here and am pregnant, Levi is my certified go to person for help. He doesn't have to come everyday but has to make sure that I get rest and that I'm not on my feet all day.

After Levi finished up his conversation with the Coach we headed home. When we got home, I started dinner. I was gonna fry chicken just like Levi liked it. I made homemade mashed potatoes and macaroni. During dinner Levi kept complimenting me on the food. "Send my compliments to the chef." Levi said again while leaning back in his chair.

"You said that five times already." I said.

"And I ain't gonna stop. Baby, you know just what I like and how I like it." He said with a grin. I laughed and picked up the plates to do the dishes. There wasn't much to do since I started the clean up after I finished dinner. "What's for dessert?" He asked as we dried dishes together.

"Um, there's some ice cream in the refrigerator." I said with a smile. "What about chocolate cake?" Levi asked with a smile. I shook my head.

"You ate it all, remember?" I said.

"I don't recall." He teased with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "You're gonna end up fat one day if you keep eating all those sweets." I said.

"Pfft, please Chelsea. Look at me. Do you really think I'll end up fat?" He asked and held up his shirt. Those toned abs that I've seen many times before were showcased. "Put your shirt down, Levi." I said and tickled him.

"I'm not ticklish babe." He said with a serious face. "Your face says one thing but your eyes say another." I said and sauntered away. He quietly followed. I walked upstairs and got into bed with the help of Levi. "Momma bear." Levi called from the bathroom.

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