Chapter 3

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Once Charlie was removed from the courtroom, Shaun and Emily left the courthouse and returned home.

"That was odd Emily." "I'm sorry he threatened you." "It's fine. If anything should happen, it would be me that gets him first. No one hurts you and our children." "And you?" "Don't worry about me. I'm able to defend myself." "You are the official man I trust... Next to your brother and dad of course." "Good to know." They kissed as Emily quickly pulled away.

"Emily? What's wrong?" She ran into the downstairs bathroom and threw up in the toilet. "Oh baby."

Once she finished, she sat on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet and cried. "This feels worse than the time I carried Ben." "You'll be fine. I know you will. You're strong." She slightly smiled as he helped her to stand. "Let's get you to the sofa."

When they sat on the sofa, Shaun rubbed Emily's stomach. "I can't wait for you to arrive little one. You have an older brother waiting for you." "You're being creepy around the baby, Shaun. Just like you were while I carried Ben." "Sorry." "Have you told your boss?" "No. Anyway, you have to find work." "Already planned. I'm going to work in the computer business. I'll get paid more than you." "I'm happy for you. When do you start?" "Next week."

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