Chapter 29

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Once home, Emily and her neighbour took Ben and Daisy were taken to bed and they stayed with the kids until they woke up.

Ben woke up first and as soon as he opened his eyes, he crawled towards his mother. "I'm here baby. We need to wake your sister. I have some news about your daddy." Emily gently shook Daisy awake and she woke up immediately. "Mummy." "I need to tell you both something." "Where's Daddy?" Ben asked quietly. "He's in hospital. He's been involved in an accident. He's getting better and he should be home very soon." "Can we see him?" "Not right now. He's asleep and he can't be disturbed."


"Hi Shaun. Are you ready to go home?" "Yeah. I miss the kids." "When we get to the car, Charlie will drive us home and there's a surprise in the backseat." Shaun was signed out and was discharged and was then allowed to leave. Once he and Emily were near the car, he saw that the surprise was the kids. "Hi kids." They smiled and he smiled back. He got into the car and turned to face the children. "I missed you both so much."

Once home, Emily took the children inside and Charlie wanted to talk to Shaun. "Charlie, about your brother-" "forget about him. And I want to apologise for what I did to you and Emily. I really loved her and I was jealous. I moved on, got married and I got two beautiful children of my own. I protected her. I helped you." "And I appreciate it. I really do. And...I just want to say thank you. For being there for Emily after what your brother did. I understand she didn't tell me because of the kids. She was scared of putting them at risk." "I think we should go inside." "Yeah."

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