Chapter 5

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"Sir," Shaun asked his boss when he walked up to his desk. "Yes Shaun?" "Can I have a private word?" "Of course." Shaun stood from his seat and followed his boss to his office. "Please sit down," his boss said as he closed the door. "Emily is pregnant again. I'm going to be a dad to another child. I just wanted to ask if I could-" "of course." His boss said as he cut his best worker off. "You may have your two weeks off once the baby is born. You're a very hard worker Shaun." "Thank you sir."

Emily was sat at the desk opposite Stephen and the phone rang. "Don't be scared. You can do it. You're strong," he encouraged. She took a deep breath and answered the phone. "Good morning Stephen Coles computers, Emily speaking, how can I help?" He gave her a thumbs up for a good first try. "Of course. I'll just transfer your call." She needed to learn the buttons. "Transfer button." "Right here." "Thanks." She pressed the button as he sat down and picked up his phone. "Good morning...oh hi big I told you not to call my work number...fine. I'll see you tonight. Bye."

Emily looked concerned. "My big brother. He never stops ringing my work number. Do you have siblings?" "No. I'm the only child. Well... I was the only child. My parents were murdered." "I'm sorry." "My ex boyfriend killed them. He was my boyfriend at the time, but since I found out, I broke up with him but we're just friends." "Well you're safe now. Please try to forget that. Work will help you take your mind off of him." She thanked him as he kindly asked her to get him his first coffee of the day.

At the end of the work day, Shaun waited outside of the building to wait for her. Emily was exhausted once she finished her final call for the day. "Well done Emily. You've done well for your first day." "Thanks Stephen. I had a wonderful first day. I can't wait until tomorrow," she yawned. "Sorry about that." "It's fine. I'll walk you downstairs."

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