Chapter 24

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After nine months, Emily received a text and Shaun was home also as he was under the weather. "Who's that?" "Charlie." "You're still in contact with him?" "Yes. But look at this photo." She sat closer to him and showed him the photograph. He saw that it was Charlie and his partner in hospital with two extra family members. "She had twins." "Cute. But not as cute as our two. Are they still playing?" "Yeah."

"Mummy! Daddy!" They heard Daisy yell. "Mummy's coming darling!" Emily rushed up the stairs and into her daughters room to find her shaking. "What happened sweetheart?" She asked as she took her daughter into her arms. "Someone came inside and tried to hurt Ben." "Where is he now?" "In his room." She took her downstairs to her father and then went back upstairs to find her son under his bed. "It's alright. You're safe." He crawled out from under the bed and held her tight.

"Did you see what the person looked like?" "He looked like Charlie, but it wasn't him." "Probably his brother."
"Mummy? Is Ben going to be okay?" "He'll be fine. Come on sweetheart." "I was so scared Mummy. He looked like he wanted to hurt us." "If he looked like Charlie's brother, he wouldn't hurt you. He has a family of his own to look after." "Why us mummy?" "I don't know. I'll call him." She then dialled the number for Charlie's brother.

"Hello?" "Hi, it's Emily." "Hey." "Why did you break into the house and scare the kids?" "My brother. He'd never hurt you." "Well you certainly changed your mood." "I'll teach you not to mess with my brother." "He and Sherry have twin children. He shouldn't be wanting me anymore. That's why he moved. So he doesn't cause more trouble with my marriage." "Don't worry. You won't tell him, because if you do...well...let's just say that your children will pay." "You don't go anywhere near my children. You have your wife and daughter to think about." He then hung up as the line was cut off.

Emily felt faint and Shaun saw her pale. Their children looked concerned and asked, "Mummy?" Shaun ran up to her as well as the children as she then fainted.

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