Chapter 6

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Once Stephen and Emily were on the ground floor, they immediately saw Shaun outside. "Thanks for walking me to the entrance." "No problem. Get plenty of rest and I'll see you tomorrow morning." "Same. Goodnight." He nodded as she walked outside as was greeted by her husband. "Hi baby. How was your first day?" "Wonderful. But only a couple of set backs." "Oh?" "I didn't know what button to press to transfer a call and I threw up in the bosses office." "Emily," he said concerned. "He passed me his bin though. His wife is pregnant too."

Just as she said that, Stephen walked out of the building. "Hi Stephen. This is my husband Shaun." "Nice to meet you." They shook hands just as Stephen's mobile phone rang. "Hi baby...I'm on my way." He then hung up. "Sorry. My wife's in labour." He rushed to his car and drove as fast, but carefully as he could.

Emily and Shaun then walked to the car as they then got into the car and began their journey home. "Did you ask your boss about having two weeks off again?" "I did. He said I was a hard worker, which I am. He's happy for us. What did your boss say sweetheart?" "He said it wasn't a problem." "Wonderful."

By the time they were home, Emily was in a deep sleep. Shaun gently shook her as they were home. Once he knew she was fast asleep, he carefully removed her seatbelt, got out of the car, walked to the opposite side and carefully picked her up. He closed the car door, locked it and took her inside and upstairs to bed. "There we go Emily. Sleep well. I'll be back in an hour."

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