Chapter 22

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After a couple of years, Ben was almost three and Daisy was almost two years old. "Let's get you something to eat Ben. Mummy's really busy right now." He giggled as he sat in the chair once his father lifted him up and after lifting his daughter up into her high chair.

"Alright you three. Dinners ready." "Thanks mummy," Shaun told her in a baby voice. "You're not funny. Sit down and keep an eye on the kids." "Yes mummy." She rolled her eyes as she began plating her and Shaun's dinners and began eating.

Once they finished, Emily had some food for her two children and she fed Ben as she let Shaun feed Daisy.

"Come on Daisy. Have some food for daddy." She turned away. "She won't eat for me." "You feed Ben then and I'll try feeding her." So they swapped places and Daisy had her food from her mother. "Why won't she eat for me?" "I don't know. Out of practice?" She rolled his eyes as he continued to feed his son.

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