Chapter 26

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"Well look who's here." It was Charlies brother. "Shaun, give me my brothers girl." "No. She's mine. Charlie has Sherry and their kids. You need help." "No I don't." "Let me help you." Emily carefully approached Shaun. "Please Shaun." "Emily, stay back." She froze where she was standing. "Please. For your brother. What would your parents say?" "That you're all fools." A car was then heard. It was Evans car. "Evan," Shaun said under his breath.

Evan got out of the car after switching the engine off. He ran towards his sister in law and his little brother. "Think this through. You have a daughter. Just like my brother has. Like your brother has." "Charlie was always the lucky child. He got the pretty girl, and me? hardly anything. I may have a wife and daughter, but she belongs to Charlie." "Please think about this. She's a mother of two, just like Charlie is as a father. You're the father of one." "Maybe she should've been mine instead." "Don't be so naive. She only dumped him because of what he did. But what he did, saved her life. Her parents abused her." "You mean like how I was?" "What?"

The three were shocked. "My parents abused me. They never laid a finger on him. The so called golden child." He withdrew a knife. "Put that down," Evan warned. "Don't do something you'll regret."


Charlie drove as fast as he could to Shaun and Emily's house. "I'm coming Emily," he said to himself. "My brother will pay for this. I swear."

As he drove on, the police were on his tail. "I have to save her, then you can arrest me." He turned the corner sharply and sped straight down the road. "I'm almost there Emily. Hold on for me. All of you."

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