Chapter 17

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Once Emily and Shaun were home, everyone cheered and hugged them. "Congratulations you two. Let's celebrate with some wine." "Not me." She coughed, "baby." "I know. I'll get you some water." Once the drinks arrived, Evan raised his glass. "To Emily, Shaun and their new baby." Everyone raised their glasses and drank the wine and Emily drank her water.

Shortly after drinking the water, she felt ill. She looked at the water and dropped the glass. "Emily," Shaun rushed out. "That water wasn't right." "Mum, what water did you put in the glass?" "Strawberry flavoured water from the bottle? Why?" "I'm allergic to strawberries." Her face then began to turn red. "Call for help. Emily, breathe." She then collapsed as Evan caught her.

"Yes. My daughter in law has drank strawberry flavoured water and she's allergic to strawberries. My wife didn't know. Her face is red, she's passed out and her throat is swelling up... Thanks." He then told everyone that help was on the way.

By the time the paramedics arrived, they gave Emily something to help her with her allergy reaction. "There we go. We'll take her to hospital and get a doctor to look at her. She'll be fine." "Thanks," everyone said in unison. "It's my fault. I should have asked first." "Don't worry mum. She's going to be fine."

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