Chapter 10

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The doctor arrived ten minutes later. "Hello Emily. How are you feeling?" "Spectacular. Is my baby safe?" "It is. We'd like you to stay until tomorrow to be safe." She nodded as Shaun took her left hand. "Try and rest sweetheart." She nodded as she closed her eyes, relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.


Charlie ran to Shaun and Emily's new house and saw that it was deserted. He then thought about seeing his brother. So he ran to his brothers house and knocked on the front door which shortly revealed his brother. "Charlie." "Let me in." "No. You tried to kill I heard anyway." "I never meant to hurt her. I just wanted her to be mine again." "She's married. Let it go." "No!" Charlie pushed his brother to the wall.

Charlie's brother became scared for his life. "Charlie, let me go." He tried to strangle his brother and began to squeeze his neck. Charlie let go shortly as he saw his brother close his eyes as he gave in. "I know you've seen her before she was pregnant." His brother gasped for breath as he left him.

Charlie's brother texted Emily's number and texted her that Charlie was out to get her. Her number showed a few seconds later with a text back. 'It's Shaun. Emily is asleep. Thanks for texting the warning. She'll be safe, I promise. Evan and I won't let anyone hurt her.'

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