Chapter 25

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Emily woke up on the sofa half an hour later. "Hi baby." "Shaun, what happened?" "Charlie's brother said something to you and you fainted." That's when Ben asked, "how are you Mummy?" "I'm fine sweetheart. Daddy and I need to have a little chat." She then had to lie as she said that it was about presents for christmas. So she kindly told to go to their rooms and to wait until they were called to return to her and their daddy.

"Charlie is away and I believe we need him." "He's done enough damage." "If his brother just threatened me and my family, we're going to need him." "I'll call him." "No. Let me talk to him. Get the kids and get out of the house." "I'm not leaving you." "Then take the kids next door or something. I don't want them harmed." "That's fine. I'll be right back."

After dropping the kids off with a neighbour, Shaun returned home. "Charlie, please. Your brother broke into my house and he called me a few minutes ago saying if I told Shaun, my children would pay. He's not laying a finger on my son and daughter." "Listen to me Emily. I'm on my way. Where are the kids now?" She then noticed Shaun. He took the phone from her and said, "Charlie, the kids are with the neighbour next door. They're safe." "I just told her I'm on my way. I'm getting into the car now." "Thanks for this." "Anything for her, you and the kids. I just hope we can get along." "Me too. We'll see you soon."

After hanging up, Shaun thought long and hard. "Emily?" "Yes?" "I know Charlie and I have had our differences and that I've been hard on you recently, but I want you to know that one, I love you and two, I'm trying to make amends with Charlie." "I love you too and I'm glad you're trying to be friends." "Well...saying that we need his help, including's a step closer to trust him more that he'll still help us." "And Shaun?" "Yes?" he asked with scared eyes. "No matter what happens...our love for each other will never die." "Agreed. We'll fight until it's over."

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