Chapter 23

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When Daisy and Ben were four, they were on their way to the park as a little treat a few days later with Shaun. "I'm going on the slide daddy," Daisy, told him as Ben told him he wanted to go on the swing.

He gently pushed his son as he kept his eyes on his daughter. "Be careful. I don't want to have to tell mummy do I?" "No daddy. I promise to be careful." He smiled and continued to push his son on the swing. And after half an hour, Daisy fell off of the slide. "Daddy!" He stopped pushing Ben and picked him up as he then carried him in his arms and ran to Daisy as he then kneeled down next to her. "Stay there Ben." He nodded and waited.

"Alright Daisy. Stay still for me." She nodded as he examined her. "It's just a little graze. Nothing to worry about. Let's get you home to mummy." She nodded as he picked her up and carried her in one arm as he held the other arm out so Ben could take his hand as they walked home together.

On their way home Emily walked up to them with Charlie by her side. "Emily?" "Here us out." "Fine." "Tell him Charlie."

He took a deep breath and said, "I'm leaving with my partner and I'm never coming back. I've caused enough damage to you and Emily. I've had a rough life and I want to make things right. So I'm leaving with my partner. I've told my brother and his family and I apologised for what I did while I tried to find you." "Good luck for your future." He nodded as the two men shook hands and Charlie disappeared down the street. "Let's go home Shaun." "Yeah. Daisy grazed her knees." "I'll take her. We're not far from home anyway."

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