Chapter 20

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"When are you going to learn Cole?" "When Shaun Reed is out of my way for good." "Leave him and Emily alone." "You know Emily?" "She was my friend in school. She helped me when I first moved to her primary school." He then shook his head. "Anyway, enough." "No!" He kicked the guard and ran once again. He tried his very best not to get locked up again, but he was out for revenge.

Back at the hospital, Emily had woken up after having a bad dream, with her breathing rapid. "You just had a bad dream Emily." "Where's Ben?" "He's home. Don't worry. Evan's got it under control. How's the baby?" "The baby seems fine."


At the nine month mark, Emily was waiting for her contractions. "I still can believe I look like I swallowed a planet again." "You still look perfect and beautiful. At least Ben is sleeping." "Yeah." She suddenly felt pain. "Is it the baby?" She nodded rapidly. After a few seconds, she then said, "my water just broke." "I'll call for the ambulance. Evan!" He shortly appeared. "Yeah?" "Her water broke. I'm going to need your help while I call for an ambulance.""I'm on it."

"Yes, its about my wife. Her water just broke." "Where is she at the moment?" "She's on the floor in the living room." "Don't move her until the paramedics arrive. If she feels like pushing, tell her to push." "I need to push!" "Push then baby. Everything will be fine." She screamed as she began the first push.

After a few more pushes, the baby was born. Shaun checked and Emily gave birth to a girl and she began to cry. "Her name will be Daisy. Just like the dream I had before Ben was born." "That's fine with me." Sirens could suddenly be heard. "Alright, I can hear the sirens so I'll leave you in their hands. Congratulations to you and your wife." "Thank you." He then hung up as paramedics approached them.

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