Chapter 4

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A week had passed and Emily went to work. "Good morning sir." "Please. Call me Stephen. I'll start you off in the office before I move you to a sales woman. You need to research different brands of computers and laptops before I make you an official saleswoman." She nodded as he took her to his office.

"As my assistant, you will answer the phone, take messages, check emails, bring my lunch and make coffees." "I understand my duties." "Good. Any questions?" "Just one. I'm pregnant. So can I have maternity leave?" "Of course. How far are you? If you don't mind me asking." "It's fine. I'm one month pregnant." "Plenty of time then. Let's get you started." She suddenly gipped. "Emily?" She gipped again and he knew she was going to be sick. He closed the blinds, grabbed his bin and passed it to her as she did what she had to do.

Once she finished, Stephen took the bin from her and handed her a tissue. "Thanks." "No problem." "I'm sorry I was sick." "Don't worry. My wife keeps throwing up and we're on our first baby." "Second." "Wow. Congratulations for your first." "Thanks. His name is Ben." "That's my nephew's name. My sister always wanted a boy and my brother in law wanted a girl." They lightly laughed.

Stephen gave a glass of water to Emily to help her once she settled down from being sick. "Thanks... Again." "Now... Let's get you started."

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