Chapter 6

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"So, Lev, do you have any plans after school?" Kenma asked as he quietly sat down next to him, fixing his now brown hair.

"I don't, wanna hang out?" Lev answered, turning his head to Kenma.

"Sure, why not. We could go to a cafe or something" Kenma nodded slowly, feeling weird. But not weird as in sick or nauseous, weird as in the feeling that you get...when you lie.

Kenma looked down at his hands, small and pale, he could still feel Kuroo's touch. He smiled to himself.

Maybe he should tell Kuroo.

Before he could take out his phone, Lev shook him.

"Hey, so I was thinking, after you graduate, what will you do?" Lev asked, looking at Kenma with his jungle green eyes.

"Well, ofcourse I want to go to a university or college. Maybe work for a bit?" Kenma had already  planned it out. He knew Kuroo was waiting for him, so they could study together.

"Oh! Same here! Although I don't wanna study alone.." Lev said and suggestivelly raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I know I won't be studying alone" Kenma smiled.

"You're gonna study with m---"

"With Kuroo Tetsurou"

Lev turned his whole body to Kenma, looking rather confused.

"Y-You know Kuroo Tetsurou?" Lev asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"Yeah,why?" Kenma looked as Lev looked down,hiding his trembling hands in his pockets.

"I-I know the guy.... He's pretty cool.. And..scary" Lev said quietly.

"He's a big teddy bear, believe me. Anyway,we should go now. I know a good place. It's called Rob's" Kenma said and stood up, taking his Yuri on Ice school bag and heading out.

Kuroo bought it for him after he kept rambling how amazing Victor is.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Lev exclaimed and followed Kenma through the hallways.

The weather was nice. It was still quite warm.

Rob's was a place that Akaashi and Kenma discovered a couple of months ago. After walking amd shopping all day, they wanted to just sit down and have some tea. But their favorite cafe was too far away, so they decided to give this new cafe a chance. Although Kenma could swear that he has seen the owner somewhere before. Tall guy, intimidating, deep voice and an odd love for color purple and swans. Maybe Kenma was just imagining things.

They walked in and sat down at an empty table. Lev kept talkinv about some movie, but Kenma was more focused on the photos on the walls, the thing that made him loose his focus was a familiar voice behind him.

"Do you think Kenma has been distant lately?" a soft, concerned voice spoke. Kuroo.

"Why would you think that?" Bokuto asked.

"He has been avoiding me.. I'm afraid"

Kenma couldn't bring himself to look behind him, instead he put his hoodie on, hiding his now full brown hair.

Maybe he has been distant lately.





Forgot to tell you that in this book we're gonna dive more into their personal lives and personal problems instead of dealing with angry parents.


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