Chapter 17

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"Akaashi slow down a bit, will ya?" Bokuto asked as Akaashi stole the last donut from the box.

"I'm hungry" he said, stuffing it into his mouth.

"Well, I'm glad you are, but if you keep eating you're gonna be sick" Bokuto watched as Akaashi looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Owhe mwore?" he asked, his mouth was still full.

"Fine. But that's the last one" Bokuto sighed as he opened the new donut box and handed Akaashi one.

Akaashi's mood has been weird lately. Ever since he got accepted into the university, he seemed to have cheered up. He hasn't really left the house, but that didn't stop him from doing rather reckless activities.

Bokuto couldn't find a chance to tell him about the fact that he wasn't accepted, he couldn't seem to bring himself to make Akaashi sad.

"Oh, let's go somewhere today, okay?" Akaashi asked as he finally finished eating.

Speaking of, his appetite was back. He literally ate a large pepperoni pizza by himself the night before. (lmao me)

"Sure! Where do you wanna go?" Bokuto asked, spending time with Akaashi was always fun.

Maybe he was a bit over protective. He still had to ask him about those pictures from the cafe that Kuroo sent him.

"Yeah, let's go to a cafe or something. I think Daichi is working a shift today. Oh, have you heard what happened?" Akaashi suddenly got serious.

"What? Did Daichi do something?" Bokuto tilted his head slightly.

"Basically Suga told me that he met this guy named Tendou, so a couple of days ago Suga and Daichi were on a date and they saw him... He was with Ushijima.." Akaashi told Bokuto.

"Holy fuck.. Are they okay?" Bokuto became worried. Ushijima wasn't the most nicest guy out there, Iwaizumi should be careful.

"Yeah, they are. They said he didn't do anything, just greeted them and walked away. Thank god, I don't want to see Iwaizumi like that again" Akaashi frowned.  Bad memories...

"Enough of this depressing shit, let's go, okay? Let's get some coffee and cake and just talk" Bokuto stood up and fixed his hoodie.

"Okay, okay captain" Akaashi followed Bokuto out of the kitchen.

All that Bokuto needed was a right moment, a moment where he could ask him about the photos and tell him about his letter. It would probably ruin Akaashi's mood, but they promised eachother not to keep secrets away from one another.

Akaashi's phone suddenly rang and Bokuto watched as he answered.

"Hello?" Akaashi said, his voice calm.


"Hmm..." Akaashi turned to Bokuto for a second. "Sure. Come by the cafe"


"Yeah, okay. Bye." he hung up and sighed loudly.

"Who was that?" Bokuto asked.

"There's someone I want to introduce you to. I think he could use a bit of your help" Akaashi smiled slightly and finished putting on his shoes.

The walk to the cafe was rather quiet, but that didn't matter to Bokuto as long as he could feel Akaashi's hand in his. Though, they did decide to take a short cut, which brought both of them bad memories.

They passed a certain abandoned house and through the broken window on the second floor you could still see a belt hanging. Bokuto felt how Akaashi squeezed his hand while passing it.

It hurt both of them, but that was in the past.

They reached the cafe and walked in, the interior hadn't changed one bit.

"Hey guys!" Daichi greeted them as he saw them.

"Hey Daichi!" Bokuto waved to his friend.

"Hello" Akaashi said.

"What can I bring you both?" he asked, though Daichi already knew their order.

"As always. Green tea with strawberry cake" Akaashi said and dragged Bokuto to the table.

"So, where's the guy?" Bokuto looked around, noticing only highschool girls.

"He'll be here soon. I guess I should have told you about him sooner" Akaashi looked out the window, it was cloudy.

"Oh... Okay?" Bokuto wanted to believe that it's the same guy that was in the photos. And for once he was right.

Soon a boy walked into the cafe and once he spotted Akaashi he walked towards him.

"Akaashi.. Hey.." he greeted him, though he was surprised to see Bokuto next to him.

"Sit down, Yamaguchi. This is my boyfriend Bokuto. Bokuto, this is Yamaguchi, I've been helping him" Akaashi introduced them to one another.

"So you're Bokuto that Akaashi told me about. It's nice to meet you" Yamaguchi's hands were trembling, since Bokuto was kinda glaring at him.

"Hey.. So, is there anything I can help you with?" Bokuto asked, he couldn't just trust a person he just met.

"Uhmm.. My boyfriend is..he's possessive and.. He's kinda weird.. Like he insults me one day and then apologizes on another day, and that just keeps happening..." Yamaguchi explained leaving Bokuto to wonder why he was dating such a prick.

"Why are you with him then? Dump him." Bokuto suggested.

"I can't.. I love him too much.. But he even sent a threat to Akaashi-san..." Yamaguchi kept his head low.

"Wait what?" Bokuto turned to Akaashi.

"Yeah, here" Akaashi pushed his phone to him. Once Bokuto read the message and realized that it was the cause of Akaashi's panic attack he could barely hold his anger.

"Calm down Bokuto.. It's all good.." Akaashi calmed him down.

They all talked with eachother, Bokuto and even Daichi gave Yamaguchi some advice on what to do. They all told him to confront his boyfriend and tell him about what he has been doing.

After that Yamaguchi left and let Bokuto and Akaashi enjoy their date.

The evening came by and Bokuto was in their bedroom, re-reading the letter.. He needs to tell Akaashi.

Just as he thought that he heard the door open and Akaashi walked in, fresh out of the shower.

"Akaashi.. I have something to tell you.. I should have told you sooner, but I cou---" he saw as Akaashi put his finger on Bokuto's lips, shutting him up.

"It's about the letter, right? I knew right away that you weren't accepted. Don't stress over it" he said, his voice was calming and brought Bokuto memories of their first meeting.

"Sorry... Let's just cuddle, okay?" Bokuto suggested and took his shirt and pants off. He flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes, waiting for Akaashi to join him, though he got something he didn't expect.

He opened his eyes to find Akaashi on top of him.

"Akaashi, what are y---" he was cut off once again, by Akaashi's finger on his lips.

"Bokuto... I've been thinking and... I think I'm ready now. I think it's time to take our relationship into a bit more intimate level" Akaashi smirked at him.






No smut for you


Maybe next chapter if you all behave well.


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