Chapter 9

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It was around 8 AM when Bokuto woke up. Sun was shining, birds were singing and Akaashi wasn't in bed.

Normally Bokuto wouldn't freak out over this, he would think that Akaashi is in the kitchen or taking a shower, or maybe even gone shopping, but ever since that evening - he's been protective.

He quickly jumped out nof bed and ran to the living room, Akaashi was there. He was writing something in his textbook. Bokuto sneaked a bit closer, surprised that Akaashi didn't hear him, and looked at what he was doing.

The only thing he saw before Akaashi noticed him was "Tell Tadashi about anore..."

"Bokuto,you're awake" Akaashi said and slammed his textbook.

"Yeah,I guess I am, you're up early yourself" Bokuto tried to hide his worry and uncertainty.

"I'm going to be extremely busy today, sorry, but I'll be back in the evening, maybe we can watch some movies" Akaashi said and stood up.

He had already dressed up, huh? And not just casually. He was wearing his favorite pair of skinny jeans, a dark blue button-up shirt and his hair was styled.

Something is wrong. Something is so wrong.

But Akaashi wouldn't cheat, right?

"Let's eat breakfast together, at least!" Bokuto said, hopeful that Akaashi would agree.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'll make it up for you tomorrow" Akaashi answered rather coldly and left the apartment.

Bokuto stood in his place for a few more minutes before going back to bed. He was too shocked to think of anything. He was scared,of course he was, Akaashi wasn't supposed to act like this, he wasn't supposed to act like he did when they met.

Bokuto wanted his warm and understanding, and emotional Akaashi back.

Meanwhile Akaashi was already at the place that he was supposed to meet Yamaguchi. Remember the Cafe?

To his surprise Kenma was working a shift.

"Kenma, come here for a second" Akaashi called him, he watched as Kenma walked to him, his expression wasn't exactly happy.

"Akaashi, I'm surprised you're here. What can I get for you?" Kenma asked, his voice cracked a few times.

"The usual. And get yourself something, I feel like you wanna talk about something" Akaashi smiled at him.

A few minutes later Kenma sat down next to Akaashi.

"So.. What's the matter? Did Kuroo do something?" Akaashi asked. Kenma's face expression changed from sad to pained in a matter of seconds.

"He thinks that I have been distant, I mean, I'm still in highschool, I found a friend, I guess I have been ignoring him" Kenma explained. Akaashi put his hand on Kenma's and squeezed it a bit.

"How about going on a date with him, to show him that you love him? Maybe even introduce your friend?" Akaashi suggested, Kenma nodded and stood up once a customer walked in.


"Kenma.. Whatever you see or hear from me, don't tell Bokuto. Keep it a secret between us" Akaashi said.

Kenma watched as the boy walked to Akaashi and sat down next to him.

Kenma knew how much Bokuto loved Akaashi, he wasn't gonna let this slide through.

He snapped a few pictures and continued working, while secretly listening to what Akaashi had to say.

"Tadashi... You can't do that... It's not healthy" Akaashi said, he looked worried.

"But Keiji.. I have to, he told me I should" Yamaguchi complained, he looked as if he was going to cry.

"Look, I understand better than anyone you know what it is like to starve,okay? It's going to ruin you! Work out instead" Akaashi explained, Kenma saw how Akaashi put his hand on Yamaguchi's.

Wait, Yamaguchi Tadashi...

Kenma now realized it was the same guy who asked for Akaashi's number.. Was it Kenma's fault?

They started talking more quietly, Kenma couldn't hear them anymore. But something was off.

Way off.

After spending around 2 hours at the cafe Akaashi and Yamaguchi left, Kenma immediately called Kuroo and told him what happened. (snitch)

Akaashi, meanwhile, was walking around the town with Yamaguchi. He knew too much, how did he know so much about him?

Maybe he should go home early?

"Keiji-san, can I ask you something?" Yama suddenly asked.

"Yeah.. What is it?" Akaashi watched as Yamaguchi took out a book and from the book he took out a photograph.
With trembling hands Yamaguchi showed Akaashi the picture.

Ah.. Not this.

It wasn't just a picture. It was a picture of him in his second year of high school, taken by school's photography club. It was taken shortly after Akaashi met Bokuto.

He was thin, his hair fell on his forehead and his cheekbones were visible.

"W-What happened to you?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I.. I got healthier.. I met someone" Akaashi wasn't sure how to explain.

"I looked up to you because you looked like this, look at how beautiful you were!" Akaashi felt his heart crack for the first time in weeks. Someone looked up to him when he was a walking skeleton?

Akaashi excused himself and practically sprinted home,hoping to find Bokuto, but instead he found a note which said that Bokuto is spending time at Terushima's.

Akaashi tried desperately to search for his medicine, but failed miserbly.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

It was a message.

Akaashi felt his heart sink when he read it.

From: Unknown
I will torture you if I see you again Akaashi Keiji.

Akaashi slid down the wall, grabbing his knees and shaking uncontrollably, memories of torture he had to go through before started flowing in, he couldn't speak. He started crying and scratching his own skin on his arms, neck and legs.

He never expected to get a panic attack again.

"Please...please stop.." he muttered in between his sobs, trying to forget everything.






:) and so it starts.
I hope that everyone who is reading this book has read the first one aka The Cafe Of Dreams, because if you haven't YOU SHOULD CUZ YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND HALF OF THE THINGS IN THIS STORY.


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