Chapter One//The Choosing

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I flatted the ends of my dress as I got ready to leave my house.

I didn't particularly like to wear dresses- actually I hated them but my mom kept pestering me that for an occasion like this I need to look "fancy".

I tried telling her that sweat pants and my favourite tank top was as fancy as I could get, but I guess parents just don't understand.

"You ready?" My dad called from outside of the house.

"Yup" I said in an expressionless way. My wings fluttered a little bit as I started walking towards the door.

I was ready to leave, yes but I wasn't ready to what I would be soon going to. Nor do I think anyone was.

Which was, Guardian Choosing.

Let me explain what that is exactly.

Once an winged reaches a certain age, which is 18, they are assigned to be a guardian for a human on earth.

Who we will be guarding is a complete mystery until the guardian choosing, which there we get to know which human we will basically protect for the rest of our lives.

Basically we become a guardian angel for a human on earth.

I begged and begged on and off that whoever I get is a decent person. My friends always said that I was to paranoid about this whole thing which in return they got a glare.

I mean, if I got some crazy person I'd have to protect them for the rest of my life. And oh, you can't change who you guard.

I took a deep breath and closed my front door behind me.

My three brothers where dragged along as they always are for some unknown reason, and where fighting for the shot gun as usual.

"You where there last time! Now it's my turn!" Wailed Max.

"Why you always lying~" sang back Daniel.

"Um, I haven't been in it in a while so can I sit there..." Mumbled Chris as he tried to calm down both of his brothers. (Why am I suddenly getting feels..?)

"Boys! Enough! Katelyn is our star child today so let her sit in the shot gun, okay?" Yelled Dad as he got inside the car.

"Star child?" I heard Max snort.

I walked towards the shotgun and flipped my hair as if I was walking on a red carpet while my brothers glared at me and had faces like bull dogs chewing on flies. Hah! Serves them right.

I folded my wings behind me as I clipped on my seat belt still keeping my sassy nature.

"You nervous kiddo?" Asked my dad as he started up the engine.

I shook my hand back and forth to say, "Kinda". I actually wasn't sure how I was feeling.

It was a mix of nervousness, excitement and dreadfulness. Very complicated feeling, I know.

It's as if I want to know who I get to just get it over with, yet I don't want to know since I might now like the result.

But my emotions kept on changing.

I put my elbow on the side of the car and looked out to the sunset, it's bright colours flashing back at me. I know in movies, the character always looks outside the window when there is a sad moment, but I'm not feeling that sad.

Once the car pulled out of the drive way I thought to my self, "When I come back to this house, I'll know who I have to guard"

And just that made me feel a mix of emotions.

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