Chapter Four//We Are Not Dating!

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I walked to school with Travis trying not to believe that this was actually happening. Me, out of all students at SkyLandia Academy (My dump of a school) got the punishment.

I shook my head trying not to think about it. Maybe this way I can prove that I can really guard? Maybe this is all a mistake and any second I will be lifted off the punishment?

I couldn't help feeling as if someone ratted out of me. I mean our school monitors or DIS to see if we complete tasks but they never see face to face how we guard.

They just tend to stick behind the computers.

The only way I could of been caught so fast is if someone told on me. But who could? I literally no one of the angels around here expect for Nicole and I know, being her best friend and all, that she would never do that.

"Yo" I flinched coming back to the cold truth. "You've been, uh, thinking real hard over there. You Alright?"

I turned to see Travis looking at me and so I sighed. "No, not really. I'm wondering how the heck did I even get here. I'm one of the best students..."

He smirked. "And one of the prettiest students."

I glared at him wanting to slap him as well but at this point I was tired. I didn't want to be here.

It felt weird now flying but I got quickly used to it. Man humans miss out on wings...

"Hey um, I know you already know my name, but can I at least get yours?" He says once again trying to spark a conversation.

"It's Katelyn" I respond not really up any conversation.

He smiles awkwardly, "That's a very pretty name. I'm not trying to be flirty here I swear!"

I find a smile tugging in my lips. I bet he probably said that so he wouldn't get slapped so I spared him once again.

Once I saw the school in view I noticed a lot of eyes on... me? Nonsense, I should be invisible to them, it's part of the punishment.

"Why are they staring at me..." I heard Travis whisper.

I saw Dante wave towards Travis then immediately stop looking directly at me. I looked behind me, maybe there was something going on but nope.

"Hey Travis who's the girl beside you?" He asked.

Travis laughed nervously. "What girl?"

"The blue haired one, ya idiot"

Travis turned to me slowly giving me an afraid look as if he would pee his pants, I literally I had to bite my cheek to not laugh.

"I thought you would be invisible!" He whisper-shouted.

I giggled back, "That's what I thought, but I guess I am wrong. Whoops!"

"Ugh Katelyn, why?! Your suppose to be invisible, not visible!"

I watched Dante look at us as if we where aliens speaking a forain language while eating soil. Man what's with humans and there hilarious expressions?! (This is a reference because my friends irl always make funny expressions to stuff sometimes, I'm sorry XD)

Finally Dante spoke up, "So is this your girlfriend Travis?"

I gave Dante a look which said, "Hell naw!" But Travis gave him a look that said, "Hell yas!"

I felt Travis hold my hand. "You bet she is! I just never told you about her because well, Surprise!"

I glared at him. "What the heck are you doing?!"

"Shh babe..." he mumbled still being in character.

I looked away and crossed my arms feeling a blush escape my cheeks.

Dante smiled. "Amazing! And I was getting worried my poor lil Travis would be a forever aloner, thank you Blue Haired Girl!"

I felt Travis stiffen as I just laughed. "Names Katelyn by the way"

Then I noticed. I was talking to, Dante. Above him is Nicole. I looked above Dante and mouthed the words, "Help Me!" Hopefully knowing that Nicole would know that there has been a mistake is punishing me and that she would help fix this.

We are best friends after all.

Once Dante left saluting Travis for finally not being hopeless I noticed that Travis was still holding onto my hand.

We both let go at the same time. Then I glared at Travis, "Travis, What have you done now?! We aren't dating nor can!"

"I'm sorry but it'd the only thing that came in mind- Wait what do you me we can't date?"

I sigh. "Angel guardians aren't suppose to fall in love with their protector"

I see a sense of hurt in his eyes but maybe it was just my imagination. "What about the fact that we are 'Dating'. Will anything happen then if we aren't actually dating?"

I shake my head slowly. "If it's not official I don't think it counts."

He stares at me as if he doesn't believe me but then shakes it off. "Well now that your not actually visible I can't have you following me around all day! Just go to my house and chill there for today until we come up with something"

"I don't know the way to your house... everything looks to different now that I don't have wings..."

"Wait, You had wings?!" He exclaims.

But before I could respond to his millionth question the school bell rang. Thank god.

"Just, go to the library for today. No one reads anymore since we have e books so you won't get caught. See you after school... babe..." he calls while running away.

I grumble at the fact that he called me babe but he is already out of my sight.

Behind me I hear people whispering, "They are so cute together don't you think?"

"Yes of course!"

I sigh begging that whoever those people where talking about is NOT me and Travis and head to the library.

Because we are not dating!


Nicole smirked while following the man of her dreams. Everything about him is perfect, his personality, his looks and his charm.

She giggles as she realized that she won't get caught anytime soon. Katelyn has been given the punishment.

///// Nicole's pov \\\\\

But now if they suspect some love going on I can say that Katelyn and Travis are now dating!

After all I saw it all. I saw how they held hands.

Even if it was an act for un suspiciousness it doesn't matter to me.

"Help me"

Those words you mouthed to me Katelyn. Pathetic.

I'm sorry but, I won't help you.



For a treat since all of you guys are so AMAZING I decided to make another chapter today!

Hope you liek it! ^^

Thanks for reading, shipping Travlyn and staying amazing!

(And if you haven't noticed I call all my readers and followers amazing people XD)


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