Chapter Seven//Under Control

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Dark energy;

A power energy caused by negative moods from a human. It usually doesn't effect humans in any way but it does for winged humans.

It can cause winged humans to go ballistic, as if it works like some sort of drug taking over them causing them to act in a different way.

Too much of it can even lead to death, which has been recorded before.


I stare at the book impressed on how well and accurate the descriptions are. I had assumed by now that it wasn't a human who wrote this book but a winged who has been given the punishment.

It confused me though, why someone would rather want to write a book about this neither less keep it into the human world. I would focus more on coming back.

The author, wasn't on the cover which was quite disappointing.

Something tells me that this book wasn't published and that the book I have in front of me is the only one.

I wanted to ask the librarian about it but she just told me to shut up since she was watching the first episode of a show she waited 5 months for called "MCD".

I had no clue what she was talking about and Garroth told me to let her be, which I did.

"I wonder why someone would want to write a book on this..." I mumbled out loud since the only I could hear in the library was the librarian fangirling.

Garroth looked up from a book he was reading called "101 ways to spot a perfect ship" and looked at me.

"Maybe they wanted to tell the h-humans how life is like in the winged r-realm" he whispered.

I sighed while fumbling with the book. "Well this book doesn't really look so professional... And it's fairly new since some of these definitions are ones we just leaned about recently. Do you think the one who wrote this is still around?"

Garroth shrugged and looked back into his book while mumbling, "Your putting to much t-thought into this Katelyn"

I sighed and extended my arms out onto the library table. I was left back to a semi silence.

"Aaaaa I can believe that happened!~" screamed the librarian as if there was a fire in the building.

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 13:30 (1:30pm for people who use am and pm) 1 and a half more hours until the students are freed from prison.

I closed my eyes.

Something seemed off, which I couldn't explain.

As if Travis is hiding something.

He seemed quite iffy when I asked him if he lived alone the other day, and I can't just get it out of my head.

"Your putting to much thought into it Katelyn"

Garroth words boomed through my head as I took a deep breath.

I always put too much thought into things. I've always been like that.

It mostly led to nothing so I decided to let it go. (Don't even make a reference please XD)

I opened my eyes again and decided to study this book more, not because I want to but because I have nothing better to do.

Then I noticed, a signature on the back of it.

For some reason once I saw it I got a weird sense of deja vu.

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