{INPORTANT NOTE: What is happening to the update schedule?}

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I know most of you have probably noticed that this book isn't updating as much as it used to...

And I'm terribly sorry for that...

There is a reason though.

I'm starting to lose interest in Aphmau as much as I used to. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the effort she puts in her videos. It's amazing!

But.., since I don't have that much of a interest in Aphmau as I used to have, it's SUPER hard for me to write...

I tried, and I do have a set plot for this book but it is hard for me to put it down.

Also, there isn't as much Travlyn, much less the characters Katelyn and Travis in her latest video's. Yes, they are there but there isn't much to work doing a story for.

Because of this, it's even harder to work of their personalities.

I feel as if the Travis and Katelyn in my story, have a completely different personality then in Aphmau's videos. As if I'm just making up their personalities and just putting the name 'Travis' or 'Katelyn' for the characters.

I noticed when I made Nicole 'evil' in this story, People where commenting 'Nicole isn't evil'. That's because I changed her personality to work with the plot...

Because the fact that I have to make up a lot for the story, and still make it close to their original characters it's extremely hard to work with the characters and story.

So... this is why I'm not posting as often for this story.

I feel horrible for not updating as much, since so much of you guys want to know what is going to happen next, and what not. Trust me I do.

NOTE: this all has nothing to do with Aphmau, and her videos. I'm still apart of the Aphmau fandom. But.., everyone grows out of things eventually. Or starts to lose interest in it.

I, still like her videos but am not as hooked into them as I used to be.

I was really into the series when I had started writing the story.., but started to feel my interest start to fade. I was afraid would lose my interest and disappoint all of you readers who wanted to know what would happen next, by ending this book, or just stopping it.

And so, I had forced myself to write this story. I would think, 'oh no, ah I have to write more!'

I'm so happy so much of you read this book (OMG 6K WAT) but I didn't want to disappoint all of you.

I felt as if writing this story... was more of a chore. Rather then a frill.

And so I continued updating, because I didn't want to disappoint all of you. But not, it's gotten to a point where I am stressing over what to write next, and forcing myself what to write.

So.., I'm probably not going to update this book as much as I used to. I'M NOT GOING TO 100% STOP NO WORRIES!

I wanted to put it on hold.., but if I just push it away, I know I'm never going to go back to it. I know that I will do that.

So.., I'll still keep this book running, but the updates will be extremely slow. And if I end up never updating this book.. sorry.

If you guys just want to know what has happened after this (if I never end up updating it again) feel free to private message me so I can spoil all that would happen to you.

I'm so sorry for all of this... I hate disappointing people. It's one of my biggest fears.

But writing should be something that should be fun! That's why I started writing, in the first place.

But it has turned into a chore.

SO! Currently I am writing an original story. With my own characters.

Doing that, lifts the weight off my shoulder of worrying about character personalities and what not, since they are MY characters.

It has the same kind of story setting as this book.

I don't know weather or not to update it here or not, and weather you guys want to read it.

So yea..

Again sorry that it has to come to this. I feel horrible writing this, facing the fact that I am disappointing a lot of you.



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