Chapter Ten//The Crowd

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"Katelynnnnnnnnnn come shopping with meeeeeee....." Whined Travis while pulling me out of the house.

Hold on re cap. It was the weekend and I had perfect planned out what I was going to for the whole day. Ya guessed it, sleep.

But Travis's agenda was a different story. Since he had a lot of new guests living at his house he wanted to set out with me to buy extra supplies since we ran out of everything in a matter of seconds.


"Travis, where is the extra toilet paper?"

"Ya used it all?!"

"Duh, there was like hardly any left"

"I don't have anymore.... Just use the cardboard roll!"



Yea... that wasn't good. So here I am, being practically dragged out of the house, where I had planned having a swell time, to go shopping.

"Why do I hafta go?!" I whined as I fought back.

Travis rolled his eyes and smirked. "Because, You have to protect me? What if something happens to me and you will never go back to your world?"

Next thing you know I was walking beside him in the mall. Hey, I just wanna go home!

"Okay, first thing on the list... Toilet paper." Travis announced while walking into a essentials store.

I looked around the store surprised to see the first thing I saw was makeup. Every single colour of everything you could imagine right in front of me. But I didn't really care.

Travis smiled. "Hey, as a gift do you wanna buy any makeup?"

I sighed. "I don't really wear any makeup Travis..."

His face turned into a shocked expression. "Wow, You don't wear it, yet you look so beautiful!"

I blushed. If it wasn't the fact I was in a store I would of punched the poop outta him already.

We walked towards the toilet paper isle passing the soup isle and saw that there where a bunch of kids using the toilet paper sets as forts.

"My fort is better then yours!" Squeaked a kid who was literally covered with the toilet paper.

"No, mine is! Look at it, isn't it obvious?!"

I sighed as I quietly took a set of toilet paper that was in the middle of the isle and ran away before any crazy kids would start attacking me.

"...How does anyone not see them?" Mumbled Travis as I placed the toilet paper onto a shopping kart we had gotten.

I shook my head and mumbled, "Hard life questions ya know..."

We bought a couple more items making sure we've gotten everything we needed and checked them out in the cash register.

But the thing is, the cash register happened to be a familiar face...


"Oh ho ho Travis! Nice seeing you here!" Called Dante as I started placing the items such as soup cans and what not onto the conveyor belt thingy.

"Same to you Dante!" Travis replied helping me load the items as well.

I looked above Dante ans sighed. Winged get the weekend off for guarding which meant she wasn't there. Instead an elderly winged would do it for them, one which will retire soon or if it's human as already passed away.

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