Chapter Fifteen//His Story

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Disclaimer: sorta mature themes? This chapter mentions suicide and other serious topics. No galore tho, I don't write that kinda thing XD

"It's yours?"

Travis walked closer towards me and nodded. "It always has been"

I stepped back. "B-but, how? You're an... an angel guardian?"

He cracked a goofy smile and did jazz hands. "Surprise!"

"Then... then how come I have to guard you? And how come you live in this house? How come you spent no effort going back?" I stammered while my mind raced with a million questions.

"Hold your horses Katelyn" he laughed.

He sat down on my bed and motioned me to sit next to him, and so I did.

"Please, tell me everything..." I mumbled.

Travis looked out of the window, to a sunset that was dying down. "I'm... I'm from BreezArtica"

He paused, waiting for my reaction but then continued, "From the looks of things, those SkyLandian bastards only told you negative things about us right?"

"They told us not to interfere with you... for are you dangerous"

He laughed, a sarcastic laugh. "Dangerous? You think this pretty face is dangerous?"

I smiled a little, seeing that he wants to cheer up the mood.

"Anyways, that's not true. Well, I think you know that we are used as slaves. It's like hell up there, I'll tell ya that.

I had a friend... His name was Zenix. He was a good fellow until the dark energy got to em'. Consumed him so much that he killed his only family. Once he broke from the drug, and realized what he had done, killed himself.

I was... lucky enough not to get effected. Instead I focused my hardest on getting punished so I could live on earth, a much better place then where I was.

In order to get punished was to... Kill my human..."

He nervously shuffled his feet.

"Kill?" I whispered, surprised of what I heard.

Travis sighed, "I was a stupid five year old alright and dark energy got to me... My human was this crazy old guy named "Chad", and I uhm... made him commit suicide..."

I gasped.

"And this house your sitting in..., it's his."


Travis groaned in pain as he had to go guard his crazy human once again.

The air, smelled a thick sense of oil and sweat. He hated it here, and couldn't wait to escape.

He heard from the older kids that if you kill your human, you get punished and sent to earth.

The didn't like the word, "Punished". He thought of it more as "Freed".

When Travis wasn't guarding, he was doing though labour for the lower kingdoms.

"They'll kill us if we don't work, so hurry up" Always said the councillor, a man with a thick beard.

Travis couldn't remember the last time he had a decent meal, other then pork stew.

He knew.., he was originally from a lower kingdom. But due to the fact that his parents sold him to BreezArtica he was a slave ever since.

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