Chapter Sixteen//Half

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"Katelynnnnn come Christmas shopping with mehhhhhh"

I sighed. Do you know who that is?

..., It's no one other then Mr.PunchingBag.

(Get it cause I slap him a lot for his witty remarks-)

"No" I said dully as I opened the door to my room, seeing that Travis was their on his knees in front of me.

He looked up at me, and pretended to cry. "B-but Katelyn... after everything I had done for you... Why must you treat me this way?"

I sneered. "Travis, I'm actually the one who does everything for you. I cook, do the laundry and clean the house-"

"I have fallen in to deep despair! Oh why, why does this have to pain me so much!" He exclaimed sadly while being over dramatic.

"Stop being Zane..." I mumbled.

He stood up turned around, giving up on me. I felt a sense of relief as I was going to turn around to go back to my favourite place, my bed until he surprisingly tuned around.

"I'll give ya twenty bucks!" He smiled while winking.

I face palmed. Bribing...

"Your really desperate aren't you"

"Katelyn, if you don't come, it won't be the same! I love your company..." he mumbled walking towards me.

I felt my face heat up as I looked away. "F-fine, I'll only come if... if you gimme the twenty bucks..."

He fist bumped. "Yus! Bribing worked! Thank god it was my backup..."

I sighed. "I'll go change. Meet ya downstairs"

I closed the door and leaned against it.

Why is my heart beating so fast? Was it the wink?

Or am I sick?

With love?

Pfft of course I'm in love.

..., With my bed of course!


I was walking beside Travis in the mall, and saw that it was over decorated with Christmas decorations everywhere.

"Ahh, I love Christmas!" Explained Travis.

I nodded. "It's always so cheerful!"

Travis paused. "Okay, on our shopping list we need to buy... Toilet paper"

"Why? Didn't we just buy like a bajilion rolls last week?"

"Two weeks ago" Travis corrected. "And yea, but this is for a gift. For Zane since he always is in lack of it"

I laughed. "Nice"

We started walking towards the super market when I spotted a familiar hair colour. A girl, with bright red hair was laying down on the floor of the mall.

The mall was kinda empty and due to her bright hair colour she stood out. Well except for the Christmas decorations...

I walked towards her nervously. She can't be Nicole right?

Travis followed me, and didn't question it.

I stood in front of her and mumbled lightly, "Nicole?"

The girl turned her head towards me, visible that her eyes where full of tears.

"K-Katelyn!" She exclaimed.

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