Chapter Eleven//Jail

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I sat in class once again, bored out of my mind. Don't get me wrong I kinda like school, ONLY in my world. There we do experiments, flying races and fun stuff. Here we learn about some table that is filled with elements.

And when you need to spend 6 hours everyday in a place where whatever you learn is useless to you plus, you have to follow a guy who is utterly annoying you get quite sick of it all.

Who would of known a month ago that I'd be here?

"RING!" A sudden noise from above snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Okay students time to go. Review those sheet I had handed out because there is a test tomorrow" said the teacher dully.

But I bet in his head he was worshipping that school was over for the day.

I stood up and followed Travis out of the classroom. We where walking down the hallway.

"Ugh that was so boring..." I finally said as we where long away from the classroom.

"I actually like science. Wanna hear a science joke?"

I groaned. "Please no-"

He continued anyways, "Two scientists walk into a bar. One asks "I'd like som H20 please" the other one says "I'd like some H20 too please" Next thing you know the second scientist dies after drinking what he asked for. Haha!"

I stare at him blankly.

He nudged me. "Get it? Cause H20 is drinkable but H202 is toxic-"

I sighed. "Whatever. Let's just go home already"

Travis's face fell a little as we continued walking in silence home. Zane had refused to leave the house until he has left the human world, which just strengthened his inner emo.

We walked on the lawn of our house and noticed a police officer on the doorstep of our house, Zane inside the house.

My heart sank.

What had he done?

Travis panicked and walked ahead of me to the police officer. I followed quickly behind scared if the reason there was the police at our door.

"What's going on?" Asked Travis as he stood beside the police officer.

He gave a reassuring smile. "Oh, I was just wondering if any "Angel Guardians" lived in your household. Lately there had been sightings for people clamming to be angel guardians which has caused a lot of commotion."

Travis shook his head. "No, there is not."

The police officer sighed. "Alright. Well my job here is done, take care"

He walked off the steps of the porch and onto the next house probably ready to ask the same thing.

Zane muttered, "That was odd..."

We walked inside and noticed Garroth wasn't home yet. Assuming he went to the library to get another book we shrugged it off.

"Hey Katelyn~" sang Travis as I placed my bag on the floor.

"What do you want?" I asked confused by his weird tone.

"I want you to help me cook dinner tonight!" He smiled brightly while clearly trying to change the topic from the police officer.

I stared at his happy expression ans quickly looked away feeling as if I was... blushing? No that can't be.

I wanted to say no but then I realized that I needed to treat him right.

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