Chapter Twenty// His Dream

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It was the weekend, and everything seemed to be normal. Perfectly, normal.

Pffft, who you kidding me. Nothing around here is normal.

First of all, Aphmau and Ivy had been through this 'war' for ever since she had came.

Once in a while you would hear faint yelling about something stupid like "My tooth brush is cleaner then yours!" Or "I eat cookies more gracefully then you!"

I've been trying to shut them up, but almost got hit with a spoon in the process.

Garroth, had been overly giggly, and had kidnapped Travis's phone to talk to Laurance. I swear, it's like that guy is on a suger hive every day.

Nicole, has been trying to cook, something she had never been good at. But she is at least better then Travis at it...

Zane.., has been Zane.

And Travis has been moping ever since the dance like he had just experienced the worst break up ever.

And I.., well I'm the only decent living being in the whole house.

I got off my bed after just having a nap, which had only lasted 10 minutes after I gave up, since the voices of Aphmau and Ivy had bothered me.

I opened the door and walked downstairs, to see Garroth running up to me.

"Katelyn! Katelyn! Look at this!"

I glanced onto Travis's phone and saw a text which just had an emoji with hearts on it.

"Who is that from?" I asked wondering why it meant to much to him.

"Laurance.., duh!"

I sighed. "Are you two a thing or-"

He blushed. "N-NO! Well.., not yet..."

I nudged him playfully as he ran back to the couch, texting like a maniac.

I walked to the kitchen and saw Nicole putting spices into a big pot, as if she was a mad scientist testing a new potion.

I silently walked by her, hoping she wouldn't noice me and force me to eat whatever concoction she had created.

I walked to the living room and saw Zane and Nicole watching Tv. I looked at the creek and saw "Your lie in March" on the screen.

"He dies by the way" I say expressionlessly say, slowly smirking after wards.


"I knew it!" Mumbled Zane, not taking his eyes off the screen.

I smirked. Then I realized I can't find Travis anywhere.

I walk back upstairs and head towards his room, assuming that's where he is. I open the door slowly and see him at his desk, writing intensively.

He doesn't seem to notice the fact that I'm in his room, and that I'm inching closer to him.

After a moment, I whisper his name, "Travis..?"

He shocked up, a worried look in his eyes. But remains silent.

His eyes.., are full of fear. His hair a mess.

"Are you okay?" I asked while resting my arms in his desk.

He shakes his head after a moment. "I... I had this weird dream..."

I motion him to continue.

"Well... it didn't really make sense to me. But it felt so real...

I was in a place similar to breezartica. Two figures where standing before me, yelling things at me... I was scared. I remember them say these words, "We never wanted you anyways"

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