Chapter Twenty-One

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Whatttt another chapterrrrrr
You thought you'd never see me again didn't ye



I sighed in frustration. Today, was Monday. Now normally I'd hate Mondays a lot. But today I hate hate Monday's.

Let me tell you why.

Ever since the dance everyone has been making weird looks between me and Travis. I had asked Travis if he knew what was going on, but he seemed just as confused as I was.

Turns out we where the nominees for the best couple at the school dance.

I didn't even know such a thing existed!

Since we had left early, we missed our prizes, and so the principal had to make a big deal about it. Turns out, now everyone knows about us and the fact that we are a couple. (Not really couple but whatever)

I asked everyone if this was some evil plan so that their 'Ship Comes True', but they just shook their heads. I knew it was one of them, but I just was to frustrated to even brother to ask.

Because of this, whenever me and Travis where even a meter apart people went nuts.

Then this is where it gets weird. Travis started to avoid me whenever the dance was mentioned, and I was beginning to be getting nervous about it.

Since we had all our classes together, his behaviour was a bit too obvious.

Once the final bell to school rang, I walked with him back home. If I was any other ordinary day, he would of cracked a horrible pun which would make me question my existence. But today was not an ordinary day.

We walked through the hallways in silence, which was starting to get on my nerves. Normally, I'd like the piece of quiet, but not in this type of situation.

"Ugh, Travis" I groan. "What's up with you today?"

"What do You mean?" He replies, while not even bothering to look at me, but instead in front of him.

"Your ignoring me, stupid" I blandly say.

He doesn't reply, and instead starts walking faster.

"Travis?! What's up with you? Did you drink something funny or-"

"I'll tell you when we get home, Alright?" He interrupts.

I nod, even though he can't see me behind him. If it's something that he can't say in public, does that mean that it has to do with Guardian Angels?

'Let's only talk about this at home, we don't want any police officers catching us okay?' He has said to me after Garroth was bailed.

This let me to another thought. What could the problem be, so much that he has to ignore me?

Does everyone know I am a Guardian Angel? Or-

I shake my head from my thoughts. Snap out of it Katelyn, you'll figure out soon enough.


Once we finally reach home, (which literally felt like the longest walk ever due to the suspense) I asked "what is it Travis?"

I probably sounded like a 5 year old, begging to open her birthday presents earlier.

Travis sighed, and placed his keys in the kitchen counter with a thunk.

"Ivy told me something..." he mumbled awkwardly, not knowing where to start.

I felt a flash of anger hit me. Did she do something to him?

"She told me..." he paused to take a deep breath. "That she knows how to get any punished Winged back into the winged world..."

I gasp. "REALLY?! How how?! Please tell me!"

Man Katelyn, you are on a roll acting like a 5 year old today.

"The thing is Katelyn..." Travis began. "I... I..."

I walked closer to him. "Yeeees?"

"I don't want you to leave!

As much as I like for you to return, I just... Look Katelyn you're the person , in my whole life basically, who gave me happiness. You understood what mistakes I had made, and didn't shame me for it...,
The whole situation with how I got punished.., To how I Cause a mess in breezartica... you stayed there for me!
Katelyn I..."

I stare at him. He... he felt like this about me? Well after the dance, and when I talked and comforted him... maybe I feel the same way?

Memories of what had happened between us before, flooded through me. Have I been falling for him this whole time with out even noticing?

"Travis... I understand what you mean... But I want to go back home to make things right! It's basically a mess in the Winged realm, and you know that... Please tell me how to get back so I can make things right! I'll come back to you, I promise."

He smiled weakly. "Pinky promise?"

I shake his pinky. "Pinky promise"

"Alight.., Katelyn... Do you love me?"

My face heats up. "W-what kind of question is that?"

"A question. Just answer your honest opinion."

I sighed. "I.., I love you"

He smiles softly. "I love you too"

I pause for a moment, looking into his eyes. I wonder when he will show me how to get back. But then...

I feel a familiar feeling.

My back, starts to feel heavier. I turn around in panic.

My Wings... They've come back?!

"Travis!" I yell. "What happened?"

"Confession between human and Winged is what is needed to get out of here. You would think that wouldn't work,., but I guessed Ivy was right. Maybe that's why it's in the rules..."

Tears begin forming in my eyes. "NO! I.., I'm not ready yet! Travis..!"

I feel myself get more light headed.

I walk closer to Travis then hug him. For a moment I feel his back.., but then my hands fall right through him.

"This is what you wanted..." he says between sobs. "To make things right? Of course..., I trust you Katelyn. You'll come back.., some day?"

I start to cry. "I will...."

I watch as he collapses on the ground in sobs.


"I'm such an idiot..."


Congrats to anyone who stills remembers me or this book

You da best

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