Chapter Thirteen//You Wish

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All morning Garroth's been nagging us all about one thing. And that thing was...

"But seriously g-guys! What do you think Laurance will think of me after the whole 'angel guardian' thing!"

I had told him probably more times then I'd ever slapped Travis that "You'll be fine"

But Travis, being the guy he was, said instead, "He'll hate you! Just you see!"

Sometimes, I just really hated him. More then I usually do, which is saying a lot.

"Katelyn!" Whined Garroth as he panicked, being as dense as always.

I sighed and said the same thing I'd been saying for internally, "You'll be fine."

I closed my eyes feeling as if any second I'd get a headache. I opened my eyes and turned to Zane who was bobbing to a song, even though he didn't have headphones.

I sighed and looked ahead. These are the people I have to stick with.

Then I suddenly heard an awfully familiar voice call behind me.


I turned around expressionlessly, after practically all my energy disappearing from just being with these people when I saw that it was...


My face lit up. "Aphmau!"

I stopped walking and so did the rest of the gang, being silent for once, as Aphmau ran towards me, her hair going all over the place.

"Katelyn, Katelyn! I missed youuu!" She replied while glomping me.

I hugged back, trying my best not to fall down.

We pulled back and I noticed that her cheerful nature disappeared. She walked over to Travis and mumbled,

"Katelyn... Everyone knows the fact that you two kissed"

I sighed. "I already know that. Zane's told me"

She shook her head. "No, Not just our school. Possible the whole region of SkyLandia"

My heart dropped. "W-why?"

Aphmau sighed. "As you may know... SkyLandia is going through a tough time right now. A lot of Angels are getting-"

"We aren't suppose to talk about this in public" pointed out Travis in a hush whisper.

Garroth nodded with a worried look as if what he went though he'd have to repeat. I gave him a smile of sympathy and looked back to Aphmau.

"Aphmau, things here aren't any better. Just know that angel guardians want to be locked up or possible dead. And no, me and Travis aren't dating." I said glaring at Travis who was looking away.

Aphmau nodded then looked at Zane and Garroth and smiled. "Looks like we are a group, Katelyn, Zane, Garroth and I! We'll make through this!"

Travis coughed. "I'll see you guys at lunch"

I saw him walk away feeling a ping of guilt. He wasn't an angel guardian which made me feel like weren't really paying attention to him that much.

"Meet you guys at lunch, okay? I'm going to catch up with him" I announce while started to walk towards him.

Garroth nods, Zane ignores, and Aphmau awes as I hear her mumbled, "Ya sure they aren't at lease wheeling on each other?" (Wheeling means that both of them like each other but aren't yet dating)

Guardian Angel//TravlynUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum