Chapter Fourteen//The Truth

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We all sat at the kitchen the table, and instead of Zane telling us what is happening, it was Aphmau.

I felt a smile tug on my lips as it felt as if we where having a mini meeting. But I was as well nervous by what news Aphmau might break.

I noticed the only one who wasn't at the kitchen table was Travis, who was sitting down the kitchen counter phone in hand, but not turned on.

"Okay" Aphmau began as we where all ready. "As I had said earlier today, a lot has changed in SkyLandia. The most in these past days, and it's mostly because of you Katelyn"

I gulped, preparing myself for what the truth is.

"As you know, everyone in SkyLandia knows about the kiss between you and uh.. Travis.

Because of this, and the fact that you're the first to be punished in the last thousand years, everyone's assuming your the cause of it all. That your the cause of the fall of SkyLandia."

I gasped. "T-thats... crazy..."

Aphmau sighed and continued, "It gets worst, trust me. People are calling you a demon or a BreezArtican-"

"What's with people using the term, 'BreezArtican' as something horrible?" Piped up Travis from behind Aphmau.

Aphmau turned to face him, confused by hum speaking up and said, "Well, everyone knows that their not the nicest people and quite aggressive-"

Travis interrupted her once again. "Their the poorest right? Don't you think they are tired to be treated like they are?!"

The tension grew in the room as I said, "Travis, we'll talk about this later okay?"

He took a deep breath and nodded going back to sitting on the counter.

Aphmau turned her head back ans continued once again, "Like I was uh, saying people at our school, and particularly everywhere are either going on sides against you or for you. Mostly against..., but I was for you.

People started bugging me, asking if I have the same intentions that you have. I was almost waiting to get punished, because it was extremely annoying...

But there is one thing that is probably the worst of it all, it's Nicole"

I froze. Oh yea, Nicole, I had almost forgot about her.

"Had she told someone about me-"

"Yea, indeed" Aphmau interrupted harshly.

Confused by her temper I asked, "What happened?"

Aphmau shook her head. "Nicole... she's the start of it all"

So now, instead of blaming me, Aphmau's blaming Nicole?

"Aphmau, Nicole isn't like that! Why would you assume that?" I hissed, dissapointed by the actions of my friend.

Me, Aphmau and Nicole where best friends ever since we where babies. The inseparable squad, no one who get us apart.

"Because she is, and I've got proof" Aphmau said while taking her DIS out of her pocket.

"H-how do you have that?" Asked Garroth in a worried tone.

Aphmau winked, "If you hold on to your DIS while your wings turn away, your DIS won't disappear"

We all huddled around her DIS, which she had turned on. The tapped on the video section of the DIS ans began playing a video.


The camera shook as it showed SkyLandia academy.

The camera got closer towards a blurry girl with red hair, which was soon focused to be Nicole.

Nicole was in a mini hallway at our school, one which was never used.

In her hand was something which couldn't be viewed until the camera zoomed onto it. They where pills, black pills.

Zane gasped. "Thats... dark energy pills..."

My eyes winded as I saw Nicole gulp them and mumble, "Let's do a new record today, shall we? 50 Angels punished should be easy enough"

The footage ended, leaving us with a blurry Nicole who was smirking.


Aphmau sighed. "I couldn't believe if either..."

I was still in shock. After knowing Nicole for who knows how long, I'd never expected her to... to be in control.

"What do the dark energy pills do?" Asked Travis as she stood near the kitchen table.

"They work just as if someone consumed a lot of dark energy, that's in the air. But instead it's in pill form, and I had heard it's more effective, meaning that the consumer becomes more... uh, ballistic." Replied Zane.

"I... I can't believe all the time... and that's why she was acting weird before... I just..." I mumbled.

"I know..."

"I recorded that this morning so I got punished after it, hence why I can't show it to anyone..." Aphmau sighed.

I noticed Travis had left, the kitchen counter empty.

Aphmau clapped her hands together. "That's all that had happened."

I smiled. "Thanks for the information. I'll go talk to Travis"

I stood up walking away from the kitchen table and into the hallway which was upstairs, expecting him to be sitting on the window sill. But it was empty.

I peeked through his bedroom which door was open, but it was empty.

I sighed and decided to go to my room, and to lie down. After all, I need a moment alone to process all of this.

I sat on my bed, and took a deep breath. I looked out of my window which was just over my bed, to see the sunset shining back.

I remember when I listened music and watched the sunset with Travis...

Why do all my thoughts end up going back to him?

I tired thinking about what Aphmau said. That people are against me, or for me. That they think I'm the cause of it all. That Nicole is under control.

But all those thoughts ended up coming back to when Travis had snapped at Aphmau when she was talking about... the BreezArticans.

I had noticed, whenever they're mentioned Travis gets tense.

Maybe I should ask him?

Out of boredom, I opened a drawer that was beside my bed, expecting it to be empty.

But to my surprise I saw...


Confused, i picked it up and turned it on.

It's bright screen lit up my dark room as the loading symbol appeared.

Then it said in big words, "Wellcome Travis" with a photo of Travis, but way younger in ragged cloths.

I gasped surprised at what I saw.

"Katelyn, Katelyn... You should really learn to not touch things that aren't yours"

I looked up and saw Travis.


"It's yours?"



What do you guys think of this chapter?

Hehehe... hahaha... MWHAHAHA! You weren't expecting that weren't ya?

Thanks for reading, shipping Travlyn and staying Amazing!


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