Chapter Twenty Three

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My head burned, as I slowly opened my eyes. My vision wasn't cooperating with me, as all I saw was blurs ahead.

"I see you are awake" a deep voice echoed from what appears to be close to me.

I closed my eyes and re opened them, in hopes that it would fix my vision, but it was no use.

As cliche as the line is, I said, "Where am I?"

The voice laughed slowly. "You where taken to prison, but I managed to get you out. Quite an easy task, if I do say so myself."

I pressed my hand against my head. "And who are you?"

The voice took a pause before speaking again. "Jeffery. You know, that guy you meet in the library, who Travis yelled at."


"Wait, why you?" I croaked, not believing what I was hearing.

"Let's just say I've been observing you Katelyn. From the moment I meet you, you seemed.., well different. I slowly came to the conclusion that you where a winged, who was punished."

"So why'd you help me out? I never really talked to you, other then our encounter" I replied.

I heard Jeffery sigh. "My job, is to help winged who are punished, get out of the human world, and back to their world. Hence why I used the bluff of 'Guardian Angels don't exist' so you wouldn't get suspicious of me. I've been wanted to talk to you and help you for the longest time, but..." He trailed off.

"But what?"

"Well... Travis hasn't been letting me. I know he hates me, and with a passion. Every time I would try to talk to you, he'd tell me off."

"Why would Travis do something like that?" I asked again.

"Maybe he was jealous. I think the real reason is that... he knows what I am. I'm a half, if you haven't guessed by now. It's easy for me to live in the human world, and in the winged realm.

Because of that, I usually get hired to help punished winged humans to get out the the human realm. He knew that, but wanted to be the one to get you out. He wanted to be the one to save you.

So.., one he got you to the winged realm, I made a deal with him to you help you out here. It's the most I can do."

I paused for a second. "This was all planned?"

"Yes, and no. I honestly didn't believe Travis when he said that he would get you out. I just thought he'd live in that fantasy of his forever. But surprisingly... it happened."

I smiled. "Thanks Jeffery... You honestly didn't have to do this."

"No, it's pay back for the cookie I stole from Travis when we where little" he said. By the tone of his voice, I could tell he was smiling.

I laughed with him. "All because of a cookie."

"Yep. For the time being, you should rest. The guards knocked you out cold, hence why you should be feeling a bit sick."

I nodded. "Alright.... thanks Jeffery."


I'm not even in the Aphmau fandom anymore whoops

But I feel bad for not updating

I bet no one will even reads this but o h w e l l

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