Chapter Nine//Mess

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I awkwardly pushed my food around with my fork. It was dinner, which I had cooked for all of us due to the fact that I don't trust Travis with cooking.

But, there was awkward tension between us. Not Garroth though, he was shoving the food down his throat as if he had just came back from a deserted island and saw food for once. I was afraid that any second he would start choking.

It was tension between me and Travis.

Ever since the kiss which was yesterday, conversations between us where just awkward.

I knew it wasn't a true kiss, just one because Dante and Laurance where pestering us. But something inside me was hoping it was a true kiss.

I would never want to kiss Travis in a million years, but something felt different after the kiss.

I looked up from my plate still full of food and saw Travis was on his phone once again. I felt a ping of jealously as my parents would always say that electronics are banned from the table but then remembered that he lived alone.

I decided to be the one to break the silence between us, because if I had to feel it any longer I'd go insane.


He looked from his phone and looked into my eyes, awkward looking away in embarrassment.

"What?" He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Can we just end this awkwardness? It's driving me insane" I said honestly.

He turned off his phone and said, "Alright. I just have one question to ask you"

I nodded telling him to go ask it, confused on why he didn't just straight of ask it. People always do this if their question is something hard to ask...

"Did You like it?"

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?"

He smiled slightly, "The kiss. Did you like it?"

I felt my face heat up as I looked away from him. I saw Garroth who was done with his food staring at us eagerly.

"I-I..." I began not really knowing what to say to such a sudden question.

"You know," he continued not letting me finish, "Your my first kiss"

"So are you..."

I heard Garroth quietly fangirl and mumble "I knew I should of read that book! This ship is perfect!"

I have him a look that said, 'uh... why?' But he just continued to stare at us in excitement.

"Anyways, even if you liked the kiss, let's just forget about it." He said.

I nodded and smiled knowing that even for a flirt like him, he felt the same way. Something about it felt off but I decided to let it go and finally start eating my food.

Garroth who was still there begging smiling widely.

"How long are you gonna be staring at us like thaat?" I said impatiently at him.

"Until you guys get married." He smiled as he slowly stranded up from his chair.

I blushed as Travis just awkwardly stared at Garroth as he walked away.

"He must be joking right?" I said while giving off a laugh if sympathy.

Travis sighed and mumbled, "He shouldn't of read that shipping book..."

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